Broad St. Bank building
Ed, did they ever think they were going to get people to actually buy a townhouse in that Broad Street bank building? They should have just asked the Marriott, because they can’t even get people to stay one night in Trenton.
Land lordie
Oh would you please give these types of projects a fighting chance without all this negative energy. Geez, go back to your ivy-covered tower and sip your Congac quietly.— Ed. Note
The Broad Street Bank Building is a fantastic project as was the Marriott Hotel. The overwhelming sore spot is the crime. The statistics don't lie, we are in trouble and true leadership is desperately needed. We simply cannot afford to let gangs, corruption or political cronies, dictate what our quality of life will be or become. Yet, we seem to have relinquished our living in their wake. Hell no. We have all the resources needed to take back our city and live here on our own conditions. Gangs exist in every city, yet every city offers the kind of life style being promoted in downtown Trenton. Question is, are we willing to take our city back? Fact is, the persons involved in the planning of this venture were not street smart. Palmer, in all his glory, really knows how to promote an idea. However, if he doesn't agree with the terms and conditions, he will simply let it spirals toward failure. Trenton needs to be centralized and have the ability to entice diverse types of citizens, who would enjoy the experiences which are available in surrounding cities. However, our city is what it is. The majority of our citizens strive to advance in life, while enjoying all the amenities available to them. It's a well known fact other projects, projected to fail have been a resounding success. To accomplish this, someone needed to view the project realistically. Such as how do we tackle the crime statistics? Does the location of the project offer security? not only inside the building, but outside as well. What we don't need is a gestapo existence, but we do need order. In addition, what is the proximity to other social spots in the city? How much will a patron or perspective renter agree to realistically pay, and under what conditions? What amenities does each structure offer? Would the adjoining neighborhood businesses and property owners be willing to play a part in the success of the project by upgrading their buildings, and business? Are they willing to perhaps venture capital some of the ideas needed to make each project a success? It takes more than a individual idea to complete a project that has the potential of making Trenton a great place to live, play and work. It takes a joint effort along with realistic thinking to bring a city around. Many people feel that the Broad Street Bank Building is a quality project and should not relinguish it's proper place in the city. To achieve this, joint effort would be most welcome. No, not a sell out solution to failure, by turning it into a high rise hell, but dedicated imput to bring about the projects success. So come on people, put your heads together and bring back the city we all love, regardless of popular opinions.
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