Send him here
Hey, Ed, boy, I wish that guy who got fined $1,000 lived on my block. I would love to have a neighbor like that clean the street all the time. Congratulations.
Clean sweep
You could be that person on your block if you picked up a broom and started pushing.
— Ed. Note
Regarding the person fined $1,000. for sweeping up in the neighborhood, please, send him here. I personally applaud him. For years, I have literally cleaned up my neighborhood. Sorry to say there is no community pride where I live. I have cut tree branches, swept up trash due to foot traffic and other residents just throwing it out into the street, boarded an abandoned houses, picked up garbage and cleaned open lots. Left Turn. It's often said that people in the city of Trenton don't or won't participate in the community efforts to keep their neighborhoods clean and free from litter and dumping, yet, I have for years. I have contacted property management to complain about abandoned housing. There is a house on my street that has been abandoned for twenty-two years, it's a disgrace. Yet, the city hasn't found time to demolish it. I've been informed, it's on the list. Property inspections are very aware of this problem (this also has been reported for years). It poses a fire hazard to my home and serves as a haven for stray animals, (rats, groundhogs, possums, etc). The street is overrun with stray cats. Animal control informed me that I would have to pay $90. for the trap, only to be reimbursed when it was returned with the cat inside. Neighbors are allowed to keep dogs, that interfere with the neighborhood, due to odor, noise, and the fear of them getting loose. The health department is also aware of this situation. I've been informed that tree branches cannot be cut if they exist on private property. However, the houses are flipped so often, it's hard for me to contact anyone about this problem and I certainly have tried. The branches which lay on electrical wires, spark in heavy rains, as well as block the street light which interfers with safety and health conditions, but it's not the city's problem. They informed me to contact public service who ultimately wanted to know the pole number closest to the house, only to inform me of the same. Then we have street cleaning, which means the city truck simply drives through pushing the trash further into the curb. The weeds are so high coming into the street you can barely see the abondoned house. Absentee landlords, simply collect their rents. They have no interest in keeping their properties clean or at the very least up to reasonable habitable standards. I have literally, contacted every department in City Hall only to be given a very polite excuse, transferred to another number,or a promise that things would improve. Well not yet. Ed. each of these issues are valid per checking the city ordinances to verify the fact that I have a legitimate complaint, yet nothing. To conclude, as the city continues to fall into decay, I know I have been relentless in my attempts to improve my surroundings. Ed. The next time you hear this story it will be reported at a City Council meeting. I will inform you of the
time and date, so you can hear the excuses first hand.
Signed a really concerned citizen.
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