Cop out of town
Ed, After reading the article, “Where is your home?” I’m amazed Joe Santiago still doesn’t comply with the Trenton residency ordinance. H ow can we respect a police director who breaks the law? I am further amazed by Annette Lartigue’s statement that there are no if’s, and’s or but’s to compliance. She was right, but she should also take a good look around at her work place, the Mercer County Board of Social Services, and insist that the residency ordinance also apply to those employees. Start following them home and practice what you preach.
Stalking employees — isn’t that what kept Ross Perot from getting elected?—Ed. Note
Lartique works for Social Services? I would hope not. She seems to always be pointing the finger at someone, regarding the way they represent themselves and their administrative offices within the city. The way she disregarded my aunt who is one of many senior citizen's living in the Lutheran Towers Apartments, was a disgrace. She offered them no representation regarding their concerns. There should be no if, and's or but's whether or not she should serve in any public capacity.
If people knew what a safe feeling it was having a trenton patrol car outside their house for the better part of each day they wouldn't complain about the residency law. They provide a service that our own township police don't even provide.
Duh, the people don't have patrol cars parked outside of their homes. The Mayor is the only one who has a patrol car parked outside of his fake residence.
Lartique is well know for not following her own rules. Another look at an esteemed City Council Member. No if's, an's, or but's,
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