Crime report
Dear Ed, I can’t understand why Hispanic leaders think it’s so important for immigrants to report crime. I think it is more important to educate them so they can avoid being victims of a crime. I read how groups are going to be formed to tell these immigrants how to report crimes. Forget the groups; I have five tips for them so they won’t have to report being robbed or mugged and there would be no crime committed against them. First, don’t drink yourself into a coma and walk out of a bar by yourself, you become an easy target. Second, don’t carry your life savings in your pockets, bad guys know you have a lot of cash on you. Third, ease up on the jewelry; it attracts bad guys. Fourth, leave your cell phones home. Fifth, Leave bars in groups; bad guys stay away from a few guys leaving together.
Unconventional Wisdom
I especially like the “don’t drink yourself into a coma” advice. That goes for everyone during this holiday season.—Ed. Note
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