Ship 'em out
Ed, there is an easy way to resolve the Congo situation. Let Congo rejoin his family and deport that illegal alien Rivera to his native land with his two friends, Judge Anus and Animal Control Almighty Johnson.
Bite Me
The proper term is “His honor.” Next ...—Ed. Note
Now we hear that Mr. Rivera is an illegal immigrant. Didn't seem to matter much before the Congo incident. I'm sure the James family had no complaints about him as long as he was willing to work for what I'm sure was minimum wage.
It's funny how these people can spend so much time worrying about
Congo, but never mentioned a word knowing they were employing an illegal. Seems to me illegal immigrants are a much stronger issue to cry over, march over and question a judges decisions about. But, I guess it just slipped the James family mind. Wonder what reason they'll give to immigration for not reporting his status before the Congo incident. Immigration could care less about Congo. They'll only want to know, why they hired an illegal immigrant and kept it a secret.
It' about time this illegal immigrant issue was approached regarding who actually employed them. There are many questions that should be answered. I'm sure as things evolve, many people will be held responsible for falsely employing these people, to the extent of slave labor. Too many upstanding citizens have been getting away with this sort of crime for years. With the immigratioin issue the focal point in every political arena, we should look at all persons involved. How they became involved, and were they truly unaware of the workers status. While much blame will be placed regarding this issue, I don't believe all of it should be placed on the immigrants. Fact is some of these illegals were actually ordered by people who deal with human traffickers and tricked into working in people's homes. The employers knew full well what was going on and cooperated fully in the scheme. So you see as we all complain and point the fingers at the illegals and the problems they seem to have created., I hope immigration takes a good long look at who these people actually work for.
It's about time someone told the truth about what's really going on.
Too many people feel that they can get away with slave labor. And they do on many levels. Funny how the issue of immigration and illegals only focus on persons of mexican and south american cultures. America does have an immigration problem, but it consists of many more cultures than we care to speak of. When society is marching and crying the blues about what the immigrants have taken from America, we all agree. After all we're sure they want to be taken care of, and given special priviledges as they live twenty to a room and steal our jobs. We should all take a deep sigh of relief that no one has taken the time to look into our homes and realize that many of the people we choose to employ are immigrants and most of them are illegal and we knew it when we hired them.
So, so true.
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