Free books!
Hey, Ed, there’s a new book store in Trenton offering free books to area teachers. Classics Used & Rare Books at 117 South Warren St. has a lot of good books for children and adults. Under Mayor Dougy Palmer’s book program for Trenton teachers, these books are free. Please spread the word. Our children need to read.
Book Pusher
Teachers, if you have reading kids, check out these free books. If you don’t, we have a problem. — Ed.Note
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the big deal that Palmer repeatedly thanked Councilwoman Staton for in his State of the City Speech. She must have worn herself out putting this difficult time consuming effort together with a book store. What else has she ever done to secure or improve anything substantial for the cities youth? If she was sincere in helping them, why doesn't she call the School Board into account for their lack of educating the kids, by way of reading, math and science.(oops forgot, they employ her). How pitiful. I lived in the West Ward when she was our Councilwoman at Large. With regret, our hopeful neighborhood meetings were planned to discuss our concerns with her. Guess what, she never showed up. Never called to cancel, nothing. In fact she never responded to any of our requests, made by way of her answering machine. Now Palmer wants us to feel proud about her combined overblown connection with a book store for something the schools should do anyway. The kids do need to read more or should I say at least learn to read. But if this is all she has to offer, it's sad.
Political, Glad you can see through this smoke screen called the Trenton political machine. Staton is such a waste of time. It will be very interesting to see what happens with one of Palmer favorites when he moves on to greener pastures. His other paid cronies will probably hitch on to someone else's wagon and pretend to care about something, at least until they get elected. When the citizens begin to select the next mayor, I hope they remember the names that rode the palmer wave as they traveled to the land of do nothing at all.
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