Over his head
Ed, Lt. Gov. Palmer? What a joke. That half-wit can’t even run the city. Just look at the crime rate. The city is a cesspool. How could you possibly appoint him to anything? He can’t handle what he’s got on his plate. I blame the idiots who elected him just because he’s popular. Trenton is one of the worst areas, and while Palmer didn’t create all the problems, he’s done nothing to solve them.
Palmer Hater No. 55
Maybe a step up is just what he needs to break out of his slump.—Ed. Note
Palmer is perfectly capable of running things such as the city and school district "DIRECTLY INTO THE GROUND".
Lt. Governor, I think Palmer would be perfect for the position. It's a lay up. All he would have to do is lay back and let someone else (the real Governor) do all the work. He'd smile, wave, dress up, make fake speeches, appoint his cronies, photo opp, shuffle papers, sign where he's told to,and worm his way into anything that will provide him with the opportunity to get paid, have a title and continue to waste tax payers dollars. After all, it would look good on his resume. He'll get what he needs especially from his friend and chief supporter, Senator Torricelli. (another elected, under suspicion disappointment). He certainly has enough experience doing it. Did anyone notice that Palmer mentioned the bloggers imput in his state of the city speech? Certainly he's seem them or at least heard about them from his cronies. He's well aware that the community has had a clear view of him and his obvious straw, transparent administration. That's the reason he went out of his way to personally thank them for their weak imput into unimportant issues, (books and baggy pants, yeah right) He's looking the wrong way towards advancement. The people aren't letting him off the hook now and they won't let whoever puts him on their ticket off the hook either. The cloud of Palmer's representation of this city hanging over their head would insure any politician's lost votes or public support. When people are over taxed, under represented, fearful, ignored, and only used for votes counted, they don't forget. And, they won't forgive any politician who puts him on their ticket either.
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