Friday, November 23, 2007

Youth to cops: Unite!

Hi Ed, I’m a high school student in Hamilton. My views on everything going on around Hamilton — from Trenton’s Captain Sleepy to the gangs slowly moving into the lives of 11-year-old children — is that police officers all around this area should become one and try to crack the case all together. Instead we have two sides of the Trenton police station busting on each other for taking a nap, when they can go out all in one and break down these streets. By the way, increasing our police force by 10 officers is nothing because gangs multiply by the hundreds every day. Gangs are a way of life for these kids. It’s time to think not about the money the police make but as if it’s their life on the line. Make Hamilton safe for my future children!
Bright Kid
Whaddya think, officers? Will you heed this respectful and poignant call to unity from a wise-beyond-his/her-years student? The gangs are growing. It will take an organized army to defeat them. —Ed. Note


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