Dad busted, troopers free
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about the father who held a gun on an intruder in his house and it later turned out to be his daughter’s boyfriend. Isn’t it amazing how fast Joe Bocchini decided to prosecute this man? He was arrested and booked in what, a matter of an hour, yet we have these seven state troopers accused of sexual assault against one woman, and they have not been arrested or charged. Bocchini even made remarks that he shouldn’t have made so the troopers case was taken away from him. I’ll tell you why Bocchini didn’t arrest those troopers. This man will now have these charges on his record for the rest of his life, whether they are dropped or he is found innocent. Once you are charged, those charges don’t go away, and that’s the only reason why they have not arrested these seven troopers: They don’t want the charges on their records. I think it’s disgraceful, this double standard that we have in all phases of our justice system.
Bocchini Wax
Meanwhile, your tax dollars are paying the salaries of seven men with no current duties other than to sit around and get their stories straight. —Ed. Note
I knew Bocchini from T H S in the 60's. He's as fake as a $6.00 bill.He can't handle a real case with the troopers,but he wants to charge a guy for defending his home. He should be removed from his job for stupidity. Let him make pizza's somewhere.
Who said the case with the troopers is real? Nobody except the trentonian. Joke!
My thoughts on Joseph Bocchini......
I think Mr. Bocchini is the best thing that ever happened to the Mercer County Prosecutor's office. Is he a friend of mine? No. I have had my dealings in court as a result of his actions. Was I found guilty? Yes I was. Was I, yes I was. Even after that happening I was still in awe of Mr. Bocchini. I saw him and his mother at the Hamilton Farm Market and I wanted to speak to him so badly but I nearly dropped to my feet when I saw him as I shook from having so much respect for him.
Mr. Bocchini means business. He's not like the last prosceutor who stood there in all his pictures with his mouth wide open looking like he was wondering who, I mean, where his next job was coming from.
I've read postings about Mr. Bocchini and the state trooper incident. I've read how he doesn't want to prosecute them because he's friends with them. Let me ask you this... should Mr. Bocchini be treated any different than a juror? Do you honestly think that if they were found guilty and lost their jobs because of that Mr. Bocchini would have to worry about them pulling him over, etc.?
If Mr. Bocchini meant business, this state tropper situation would have some sort of substance by this time.
In awe, dropped to his feet and shook from having so much respect for him. Anoymous must be talking about God. He's the only one that deserves this much homage.
I think everyone should keep their opinions to themselves. I love how everyone talks about things that they know nothing about. You people need to get lives, obviously you don't have ones of your own. You don't know the facts, no one does, and why should we believe what one girl says over 7 state troopers. It's hard to believe 7 troops made a bad decision..thats nonsense. Girls are crazy whores, so why should we believe her, we dont even know who this chick is. She probably enjoyed herself, and regrets being a dirty girl that she is, and now she is ruining lives, and I can say that because I am a young college girl myself. Even I am smart enough to see this girls story stinks from miles away. I see how these girls act, especially when it comes to cops...two words..badge bunnies! She needs to attend college until she is 40, shes obviously a idiot.
Dear college girl.
Perhaps you should stay in school a little longer. State Troopers are human beings just like everyone else. They also have to obey the law. They are not Superhero's incapable of mistakes or bad decisions. They are men who were on the other side of that badge. So how could the bunny be doing anything by herself. A title doesn't guarantee integrity. If they were so above reproach, what was wrong with the married trooper, why didn't he leave? What about the rest of them. She couldn't have sex with all seven of them at the same time. So you see somebody that should have left, simple waited their turn. Sound righteous enough to you. Seems to me there were many opportunities for these Superhero's to leave. And yet, here we are, pleading innocent, begging for forgiveness from the wife and hiding behind the badge. (still find it hard to believe?)Grow up little girl and try not to comment on things you know nothing about. Maybe a psych class would help you understand more about the nature of people and what they are more than willing to do. By the way little idiot, in order for the girls to be whores, there has to be a man there.
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