Hey, Ed, BackTalk is a great column; it reaches a lot of people. I’m calling about the Chestnut Avenue resident who complained about his neighbors littering garbage. You think this guy was wrong in calling them animals; well you were wrong in calling them neighbors. Hey, I’m just as frustrated, and I, too, would like to know when the city of Trenton is going to start enforcing the trash and litter laws. Here’s a suggestion: Maybe the people who give out tickets for parking in the sweeper zone can write tickets for this problem.
Cleanup Crew
No one should refer to another human as an animal. Besides, animals don’t even have trash.—Ed. Note
Again, when will Trenton start to enforce trash and refuse laws. There are ordinances that address this matter. However, I would like to know, who exactly is responsible to get the job done.
Again you can blame, the city health department. Your elected council person. and most of all Palmer for not demanding the city ordinances be enforced. Look up the city of trenton website. you will be surprised at what people are being allowed to get away with. But, first contact your council person. My bet is that things won't change at all. Then your opportunity is wide open. contact ole Ed. and tell he to bring a camera.
Yes, its time your elected council persons are put on the spot for not addressing their constituents concerns. They were elected for more than photo ops and egos. Let's see what happens.
Dear Councilman Bethea and Councilwoman at Large Staton. Since Mr. Bethea is responsible to the citizens of the north ward, and Councilwoman Staton is seemingly responsible for whatever district needs her assistance, when can homeowners expect some assitance in restoring their neighborhoods? Not every area in the city has been left to rot. Many of our citizens truly care and have attempted on many occassions to elicit assistance from city officials, to no avail. Why don't the two of you try walking through the north ward and offering legitimate help regarding citizens complaints. Maybe you can get the city to do their jobs and pick up trash along with fines imposed if necessary. It's time the decent people of the north ward were given some sort of assistnce while attempting to keeping their neighborhoods clean and safe. You certainly know where to find us during an election year. One way or another we will remember your names.
It's about time someone called both of these idiots out. Let's see what happens now. Bethea will say nothing and Staton will say nothing that relevant.
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