More Bill, please
Hi, Ed, I know the law prevents or prohibits Bill Clinton from running for president because he did two terms. But is there any law that says, if Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic primary nomination, she can make him her vice president? I’d rather have Bill Clinton close to the White House instead of the Republicans. We’ve already had eight years of disaster with Bush, who should have been impeached a long time ago. I want good times to come back, and if that means President and Vice President Clinton, it’s fine by me.
Eight More Years
As long as he can still have interns, Bill wouldn’t mind wielding a little power, if you know what I mean. —Ed. Note
Since there seems to be so much talk of experience and good times regarding the Hill-Billy Clintons, I would like a more detailed discription of what that means. Per Bill, what did he do that was so special as president of the U.S? He lied to our faces about Monica and only fessed up after he was caught. Per Hillary, what or how much experience does she have? She's been a two time Senator for NY State and I'd like to know just what types of legislation or improved Democratic issues has she seriously had instituted for her constituents. She also voted for the WAR. For the last twenty years the country has had two families in the White House. Bush and Clinton. Yet, the country has been in a steady distructive decline with no end in sight. Therefore if the country is a mess, how much of a percentage falls on the Hill-Billy Clan. Let's not forget the Whitewater Scandal, several of the Clinton administration were incarcerated due to this questionable activity on Hill and Billys part. Although Billy pardoned them just before he left office. How convenient. Then we have the mysterious campaign contributions that they chose to give back, because the money had mob ties. Now they refuse to disclose where any of their money comes from. Hillary has announced that, she will make it mandatory for all persons to have health insurance by mandatory wage deductions. Sounds great, except what about the people who don't work, or the senior citizens on a fixed income? I doubt very seriously, if working people want monies garnished from their wages for health insurance, while people on public assistance get it for free. Did I miss it or was this question every answered. Learn to read the fine print people. As I watched the primary election coverage on MSNBC the other night, I was surprised to see that O'Bama lost by such a wide margin in California. As I watched, they announced that Hillary was the projected winner by an overwhelming majority, yet there was less than 20% of the precincts reported. Hillary came out in an acceptance speech attitude. It was all to reminiscent of the Bush Gore Total Lie. One thing for sure, something is going on. Another thing, why doesn't the popular vote pick the president? If all a candidate needs is the most amount of delegates, what does our vote count? SOMETHINGS GOING ON PEOPLE AND I PERSONALLY DON'T THINK THE HILL-BILLY CLAN IS ABOVE IT.
Bill will probably run for her Senate seat. This would allow him one more pension.
No more Billy or weepy eyed Hillary. The entire electorial process in this country must be changed.
Hillary can't beat McCain. Three
quarters of hite america can't stand her and the other quarter voted for Obama. Our next president will be a republican. So settle down trailer trash another family member is moving into the HOUSE.
No more Bill is right, however, the dye has already been cast as to what is really going on. The New York Post reports that Mayor Bloomberg has called for a federal investigation into voter discrepancies in the New York primary. Seems the Clinton camp came up with some pretty unusual numbers regarding Hillary's landslide victory over Obama. The mayor's not happy. Sounds alot like the Bush Gore Total Lie is beginning to take shape.
Get the facts go to:
Check out Hillary's so-called experience.
Shocking Video Hillary Does Not Want You To See. Shocking.
Hillary Lies about Bosnia.
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