They're criminals
Ed, I’m calling about the article where Juan Carlos Avila doesn’t want everyone to feel all illegal immigrants are bad because one guy committed rape. Aw! This is the same Mr. Avila who a few months ago made the threat that if the police started cracking down on the illegal cars, all the people in the Hispanic neighborhood would stop cooperating with the police. I think that’s a form of extortion. Mr. Avila has to realize that someone who’s here illegally is illegal. Stop blaming it on the companies that hire these people. This guy used a fake name, so it’s not the company’s fault. Mr. Avila should realize that a criminal is a criminal, regardless of race, creed or color. Illegal aliens in the U.S. are criminals because they don’t pay taxes. They need to go back to where they came from and come here legally, like all the other people did.
Anti Avila
And who will work for that cleaning company in the meantime?—Ed. Note
The hispanic neighborhood will cooperate with the police just like every other neighborhood. Unless of course, they think they don't have to and that would be a crime. Criminals don't get to choose whether they will cooperate of not. THEIR MADE TO.
Exactly when did the Hispanic's become so righteous and condecending to everyone else. Believe it or not, this is not their country. And guess what, they won't be taking it over. They never seem to understand English, and want us to acknowledge their language and culture. Well, if that's the case, we should pay them in pesos. One more thing, don't ever believe that ANY FLAG will fly above the AMERICAN FLAG.
The immigration issue will settle quite a bit of this attitude you refer to as righteous. However, the answers to many of the questions are not so cut and dry. What about the children who are born to illegals in this country?
What is the process for a illegal to return to this country after being deported. How, if at all, have the requirements changed for one to become an american citizen? Will there be sanctions on the time permitted to become an american? These are just some of the questions relevant to this becoming reality. However, until and unless these laws are enacted. They will obey the rules, JUST LIKE THE REST OF US, or LEAVE.
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