What's the big deal?
Hi, Ed, I can’t be the only one scratching my head, wondering why the Robbinsville mayor had to apologize while in Florida on a business trip about the ant and grasshopper parable entered into the Conservatives With Attitude Web site by the township Economic Development Coordinator Don Gallic. First, it was not racist, it was leftist. Second, it’s a joke. Everyone has to lighten up; laughter is good for your health. Third, whatever happened to freedom of speech? If every time someone got offended, articles got pulled, there would be nothing in print. And also it’s a joke that the president of the local NAACP chapter said the parable was not worth commenting on. I guess that depends on what the meaning of commenting is because he seemed to let us all know his feelings on the situation. Lastly, Mayor David Fried is not the last Republican in New Jersey, and I’m sure I’m not the only reader offended by his apology.
Free Speech
Well, in the time since you’ve written this, Mr. Gallic has resigned. You can blame it on the crushing of free speech, but a lot of us feel Mr. Gallic’s judgment was terribly poor in his choice of “joke.”—Ed. Note
The lesson here: Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER do or say ANYthing that might, no matter how slightly or remotely, offend any "protected" groups. As we learn time and time again, the First Amendment does not apply in these cases.
Class, dismissed!
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