Don't let 'em out
Ed, I am sick and tired of reading about murder suspects who have been released on bail and kill again while awaiting trial on earlier charges. When their asses get in the jail, keep them there! I’m outraged by this gas station attendant’s murder by a person who was already going to court for an earlier crime he committed. When the hell is this governor and senator going to wake up? Crime, crime, crime! We have crime because they are not doing their damn jobs. Keep these little jackasses where they belong — in the jail. If we have to build more jails, build them. Put them away! The whole purpose of penal institutions is to separate the good from the bad. This 10 percent bail nonsense must stop, and right away. I’m going to start a petition to stop 10 percent.
And whose tax dollars will pay to build enough jails to house all these criminals and pay their room and board? The “good” people. —Ed. Note
Well now that Hillary is on her way down the drain, who will Doug use to jump start is next rung of the ladder. To see Doug on CNN in an attempt to campaign speaks volumns about his concen for Trenton residents. It's obvious just how much they have EVER meant to Palmer. Oh he will be back. He'll probably arrive just in time to appoint several of his long time cronies to positions that can't be challenged after he exits stage left. Although it will be interesting to see how many of his political appointees will hold down their appointed sweet seats.
In response to "don't let them out" I have a solution: I say turn Cadwalder Park into a prison like the one in Arizona where the warden makes them wear pink underwear and they live in tents all year round! I think it should be run like a boot camp so they can instill some discipline in these bozos. Make them sleep in tents no matter what the weather. I understand our weather is a lot different than Arizona and the winter would be harsh but hey - that's the price they pay when committing a crime. No magazines, books, cigarettes or tv. Training should be like what the Navy Seals go through. Bet it would break down a gang banger in a matter of seconds!
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