Cops have wrong focus
Hi, Ed, I’m a taxpayer in Bordentown City, and I read in the paper that our police are going to be on a drunk-driving task force. We have crimes going on, we had a shooting last weekend. Let’s concentrate on our crime, not drunk drivers. I pay a lot of taxes to live here and have a safe town. It’s disgraceful. These men are so fat and out of shape, it’s disgusting.
Fitness Trainer
I won’t weigh in on the physical condition of your officers, but as for drunken driving, it counts as a crime. If you ever have a loved one killed by a drunk driver, you’ll agree.—Ed. Note
I have to reply to the comments made about the Bordentown city police department. They have, in fact, arrested a suspect in the shooting referred to. Furthermore, it has been my experience that the police in this town are sensitive, alert, and very responsive. They responded to an emergency call at my house with respect, concern and professionalism.
hey ed, i have a comment regarding bordentown city,i think they should lower our taxes by cutting the police force, since the chief of police can during the day leave town while on duty and take the police commissioner to and from the airport on a vacation. who is watching the city, while our taxes pay for him to do that? who does he answer to? time for a change...
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