Crosswicks Ladder
Hi, Ed., as a longtime resident and taxpayer in Crosswicks I need to know why the Crosswicks Fire Company needs to spend almost $700,000 on a ladder fire truck when there are no tall buildings in Crosswicks, and the Bordentown fire companies all have ladder fire trucks and get to fires before Crosswicks does anyway. There are a lot better things that our money can go to. Why should we even have to pay for firemen when all the other places around us, I believe, are all volunteers? After reading the article a couple weeks back about fire companies buying new fire trucks and fire truck manufacturers padding the bills, I wonder who in Crosswicks is putting money in their pocket for buying a ladder fire truck? Who will profit from such a purchase? I, for one, can’t sleep nights anymore because I am terrified with the economy the way it is and $700,000 ladder fire trucks. I’ll have to come out of retirement to keep my house. Please print this Ed. I think people should know what goes on in their small towns.
“Concerned Citizenof Crosswicks”
But those ladder trucks are so cool.— Ed. Note
There are many area fire departments that have career firefighters, both districts in Bordentown do and every station in Hamilton Twp also. Bordentown Fire District 2 offers 24 hour coverage and so do some stations in Hamilton. Volunteers this day and age are running scarce anymore and alot of departments are turning to hiring career firefighters to offer the residents what they deserve. Thats a quicker response of fireifghters. The amount of volunteers has dropped by over 50% over the past ten years and call volume has increased over 100% in ten years. Residents feel safer knowing when they are calling 911 thats someone will be there in approx. 3 minutes instead of 20. Means losing alitte to losing everything. Instead of bashing them see how you can help your local department. Stop by and see what these career guys do for you everyday, don't just guess. They offer alot more than anyone knows until they are on the recieving end of the emergency services.
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