Blaming Immigrants
Hey, Ed, I just read how Palmer’s begging the government for a stimulus package. You should have thought about that when you opened your doors to all the illegal immigrants. They work for cash, they don’t pay taxes and they pay very low rent. You allow low-income building in your area, which gives you lower taxes. So all the hardworking American people who were in Trenton, my grandparents, my parents, they’re all gone, Mr. Palmer. This town is falling apart right before your eyes. So I hope you go under, and I’ll enjoy seeing you fall.
Venting Hatred
So Palmer should be blamed for not banning immigrants from entering the city? You want him to set up a Border Patrol station or what?—Ed. Note
Immigrants? C'mon! You want to blame immigrants for Trentons problems? get up and do something in order to bring a change and stop trying to blame the helpless! I am a legal resident and i have witnessed how illegal immigrants WORK for any type of pay. I have seen them work 100 hours a day for wages that WE LEGALS wouldnt even think about workign for. To top off the cap, most illegals dont even get paid what they worked for, because they are told that "taxes" are taken from their pay, in reality someone else is pocketing money. Let me ask you a question, are you willing to cut my lawn in the hot burning sun? Are you willing to walk around in the mall, lokoing people face to face and picking up after them with a broom in your hand? Are you willing to work for 3.25 an dhour? If you dont do the job, someone else will. Maybe we should hit the things that are really hurting us as a community. Hows about the violence? Hows about the crooked politicians, that no matter how bad they make it for us, they themselves dont dare to take pay cuts? hows about the horrible school system that is just a hangout spot for most Trenton kids? Hows about attacking the IGNORANCE that STILL hits us all like the flat out racism and Prejudice that people practice in Trenton and all around NJ? Blaming it on the immigrants? Thats just dumb. they work like horses and get paid so bad that 70 of them move into one house just to make end meet. And the depression of beuing alone in a country they dont know which drives many to drinking, yeah lets make it harder for them just so YOU can sit on your butt all day and do nothing AGAIN and then blame someone else for your misfortunes. You my friend are an un educated jerk. And anyone else that thinks the same as this guy, you can receive every single word i say. Ignorant people like you mess it all up for the rest of us.Work in the damn community watch group if you want to make a change. Im sure you wouldnt even dare, why? cus of the immigrants? nah i think you wouldnt even help your community because your a dumb ass that doesnt do shit. And your parents, hope their good, but obviously they didnt invest time into you nor in our city. If they would have made a change in their time, things would be different. Dumb Ass.
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