Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let Kids Be Kids

Hi, Ed, about “Crushed Contestant.” The mother was so concerned about her daughter losing the Little Miss New Jersey contest. I think it’s the mother that wants to win. This child is 7 years old, let her be a child. No child should go backstage and vomit. These outfits should be outlawed, children should not be enrolled in beauty contests. I think of Jon Benet Ramsey. The mom should get a life, let your child be a child and play with toys.
Kiddie Korner
My harsh response to that mother, in hindsight (wait a minute, I have hindsight?), may have been too harsh. While I must, based on my previous comments, share your sentiments about child pageants and the pressure they wield on baby beauties, it’s also true that children are embarrassed easily and the pageant could have easily avoided humiliating that girl with its handling of its own mistake. — Ed. Note


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