Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Note To Readers

Hello, BackTalk, this for your readers’ information. Just because someone possesses the same ethnic last name as someone else, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are related. Please remember that when you read articles in The Trentonian.
Same Name
Duly noted. —Ed. Note


Blogger Donna said...

Why does the Trentonian have so many problems with the billing dept. for ez pay? My paper was stopped 2 times without any warning. I started calling at 7:00am about not receiving a paper on both occassions. Finally some one with some intelligence looked up my account and restarted my service for two days. Then the day before Christmas, no paper again. This person or persons should be fired, there are a lot of people looking for work that are competant. The other paper has no problems with ez pay. No paper again on Christmas, bah hum bug to you.

December 25, 2008 7:04 AM 

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