Tax The Illegals
Gov. Corzine, you want to balance the budget, how about taxing all the illegals. Our state is overrun with them. Go after the people that are hiring them. What’s wrong with this state? We need to wake up.
Many of the “illegals” are taxed. In fact, the illegals that are trying to get citizenship are indeed taxed. And as far as businesses and people who hire illegals, well, they should be dealt with. We’ll worry about the economy later.— Ed Note
I agree!!everyone who comes her should pay taxs,I'm told they have a 5yr of no tax!this I found out yrs sgo when phillapino nurses were brought her by mercer county to work at their nuirsing home facility on hamilton ave.were pad a highter rate than other nurses & also given a place to live!!!guess where they sent thier pay ??back to the phillapines!!!than they did'nt even finish their commitment to mercer county???the illegals work & get paid under the table,so they don't pay tax either.I'M SICK of all this !!!now universal health care ????NO WAY!!!!I'VE ALWAYS HAD TO PAY FOR IT & ALSO NEVER GOT A BREAK ON MY MORTGAGE EITHER!!!!ENOUGH IS ENOGH!!!!!!
The State is Chuck full of Illegal’s. They clean the offices and don't bother speaking a lick of English. You'll be in the middle of a very important phone call and they come behind you with a vacuum drowning out the phone conversation and bumping into your chair with it. It’s very annoying.
Well, the jobs most illegals have pay so little that they would not have to be taxed. But every time they buy something they pay sales tax (unless of course it isn't taxable). They live in places that property taxes are paid so this illegals not paying taxes thing should be put to rest.
This by far is the most predjudice
country !! This country was stolen from the native indians by the spanairds, then stolen from the spanish by way of force. saturated with people from the otherside of the planet with various diffrent cultures and ways of talking.. buut yet we cant be tolerant of others unless they sspeak english.. Well folks I dont get mad when you cant pronounce the states correctly Colorado { which means red} Florida{flowers} Nevada{ snow} and many more so who realy
speaking the language of the land!!
want to speak english go to England there no spanish there!!
oh sorry soccer players!! and hear we are okay to die for usa in the military as long as we speak english a spanish speaking person can stop a bullet just as good as an english speaking one I say if your from the AMRICAS then your an AMERICAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many illegals probably would be paying taxes, if so many Americans weren't paying them under the table so they (Americans) won't have to pay employee taxes. Amd so it goes.
I did mot come over on the Mayflower but a few of my relatives were here to help with the luggage. The US of America is where I Live and love. If you think the americas are all in one break out a history book. I feel sorry for you that you live in this country and perfer another. It is the bleeding harts like you that want the borders open to all. We have laws to protect The US from this fall out. If our borders were better controled, we would not have the drug problem. I am sick of this problem and our border should be protected and the Federal laws need to be inacted.
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