Hey State Workers...
This is to the state workers. Thank heavens you have a governor in there that is willing to try to balance the budget. Even though you have to take a day off a month it is better to lose a day’s pay than your job. I think Governor Corzine is doing great, and he is really trying. All the democrats and all the republicans should get out this fall and vote for Corzine. Christie is not worth a dime, he’s a fake.
Politics. New Jersey. 2009. Giddy up!— Ed Note
I co-sign. Exactly what are Christie's ideas regarding state worker positions? What are his plans to keep people working? It's one thing not to agree with Corzines plans regarding furloughs, but to do a spite move and vote against him would be a terrible mistake. Fact remains the state simply doesn't have the funds and cuts have to be made. Nothing Christie promises will change that. Christie is too slick and he's using the dislike of Corzine by the dumb state workers to put his scam in place. Never trust a fat man, he stole your lunch!
So, you think it's great that State workers get a day off without pay? Do you really think this is saving anything? Consider - State employees pay taxes; less income means less income tax collected; less money to spend means less sales tax collected. Also take into consideation that a number of State Departments are funded by the entities they regulate; nothing comes out of the general Treasury. Do you really think the salaries of the State employees is responsible for the high taxes? Have you ever seen any decrease in your taxes when wages have been frozen? Wage freeze seems to be a popular way to try and balance the State budget. There have been several over the 20 plus years of my career. I can say my taxes have not dropped. Have yours?
To the state worker that said the other state worker who worked in an office where people just came in to socialize.
You said it was their fault for not changing to situation. You're a moron. There was somebody in my office that let the Corzine appointee know about the abuses of power & supervisors doing nothing all day. What happened? The appointee sold the employee out & after a few months of "payback", the employee went out on disability. I do hope there is a pay back for this worker.
To the person that said the state worker whose office was a socializing gathering spot was responsible for letting that activity take place. You are a moron. My office is the same way. We had one employee step up & spoke to the Corzine appointee about supervisor's goofing off all day & not doing their jobs. What happened? The Corzine appointee sold out the employee to the supervisors & the payback went on for months. The employee has been out of the office for months. But, EVERYONE in here knows what this appointee has done. Vote Christie.
I don't think it was a good idea at all. Why should we pay for their screw ups? I need every dime I make and this is really effecting my budget! If we have to pay to correct the budget, I feel every worker in New Jersey should why is it just falling on us : (
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