Obama and Race
Ed, on Sept. 10 L.A. Parker made some sweeping generalizations that are almost unbelieveable in 2009. Parker said that every Obama opinion is met with derision and disrespect. I guess he wasn’t paying attention for the last eight years when everything Bush did was met with derision and disrespect. Then he says that it was because a large segment of the population could never imagine following a black man. That is a sweeping generalization that L.A. Parker would never accept if it were pointed at him. He has set Mr. Obama up to never to be challenged on anything. This constant playing of the race card needs to be challenged, this needs to go away. I would like to see some evidence of people who reject Obama just because he is black.
I can’t tell you exactly what percentage of Obama’s critics have a problem with the color of his skin. But there are indeed many people, millions, in this country who do have a problem with a black man in the White House. It’s naive of you to think otherwise. Even in 2009. —Ed. Note
First let me say I’m a casual reader of this paper, so your past articles aren’t a standout in my mind. Today on the other hand…you sir have piqued my interest. POTUS Obama is as bad as or worse than previous presidents? Time will tell. Our rights as guaranteed in The Constitution have been slowly stripped from The Nation since FDR. Every president since then has had their hands bloody in it’s mutilation, including Obama. That’s not right or left wing rhetoric sir, its just the plain old truth (for those willing to actually look). I am 40yrs old, so I will speak of what I have been privy to, Nixon, Ford,Carter,Reagan,HW Bush,Clinton,GW Bush…all guilty. That’s Republican & Democrat. All of the above have altered & cut away what they could to weaken & head this Nation away from The Republic it was founded as & into the arms of Tyranny. But, that sir is a whole other discussion. You sir, you want to throw the race card down. I certainly recall hearing uncensored hatred poured forth against GW Bush nightly. War Criminal, Thief, Liar, Fascist, heck current spotlight celeb Kanye West even said on national TV that he “hated black people”. Throngs of anti-Bush folks burned effigys, called for his arrest & execution etc..yet nobody did anything except make jokes. Ffwd to this week & somebody said “you lie” & somehow that means he meant to add “boy”? Give me a break! Then you say Glenn Beck should just come out & call him a “N**ger”, really? Seriously? Are there people who hate Obama because he is black? Did people vote McCain because he was white & Obama black? Yes, I believe that is true. Did people vote for Obama just because he was black? Did they not vote for a woman because a man & a black man at that was running? Do people hate Bush,McCain etc because they are white? Yes, its all true Mr. Parker….sad but true. Mr Obama’s ethnicity doesn’t give him a pass on continuing to lead this Nation into ruin. Is every mistake that he makes going to be held in a different light because he is black? Every victory? That is one of the tactics used by those who wish to keep the populace divided & weak. Stir the racial hatred! Stir up sexism! Stir religious hatred? Anything to keep the herd too busy to see what is going on all around them. Don’t be a sheep amongst wolves L.A.! You are in a postion of power, be The Sheepdog & inform & protect the sheep. Obama’s election has opened doors between races & generations that have been closed for years. Yet playing the race card at this time (on either side) is just shallow & unnecessary. You, we can all be better than that.
Bill Schuyler
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