Start Castrating
Ed, I was shocked to see that there was 75 registered sex offenders within a 5-mile radius of that little girl’s home in Florida. Just imagine. You don’t think something is going to happen? Look it up, people; be afraid for your children. The country has to stop pacifying these molesters. They have to start castrating them. They would have no more reason to molest kids then. Let’s stop being the bleeding hearts of America. “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” It is about time we got back to the basics.
Basic Plan
Parents should be afraid. And they should research the sex offender registry and find out who’s in their neighborhood. Castration seems more barbaric than “basic,” but you’re right — it would be effective. —Ed. Note
3 Comments: Go on, type in your zip code, then click on map and see every convicted predator in your area. It ain't pretty, but you will know who and where they are. Find out who is right outside your door. Find out who's living next store to you.
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