Bodega Boondoggle
If our governor-elect does read BackTalk maybe he can help, along with Mayor Palmer. It has come to my attention that the bodegas in the city of Trenton are scamming the hardworking taxpayers in the State of New Jersey. Their trick is every first of the month when the “needy” receive money on their Family First debit cards (welfare), the “needy” know the right stores to hit immediately. The “needy” person hands the card over to the bodega worker, the card is swiped on the credit card machine for $100 and the “needy” person is given $50 cash and the bodega pockets $50 of my hard-earned tax dollars. It’s going on all over the city, and most of the bodegas are in on this scam. The card is supposed to be for food and other items needed for poor families, not an ATM card and not a profit maker for the bodegas.
Even if what you’re saying is true — which it very well may be — all I see is capitalism at work. I mean, if the rich are expected to scam the American taxpayer, shouldn’t the poor have the same opportunity? — Ed. Note
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