Check out Monday's Trentonian for the latest installment of Jeff Edelstein's interview feature, "Look Who's Talking."
This week, Jeff sits down with New Jersey's own Weedman!
A taste of some of his comments ...
"I always thought lawyers had to be super-smart. I don’t think that’s true anymore."
"...sometimes I wish I could go back to being incog-negro."
"I’m also a cannabis connoisseur. A weed snob. And blunts? Why would you take good-tasting marijuana and putting it in a smelly 50 cent cigar?"
Labels: Weedman
Why are giving an admitted criminal a forum to attract more criminals? That is very irresponsible! You should be ashamed.
What's the matter ?? - too scared to put my comment about LA Parker from this morning?
I'll drop the 'colorful' language. My point was that LA Parker should have done the interview not Jeff Edelstein. LA is so rightious that he comments about 'successful men of color' being labeled harshly by the black community. Well, NJ Weedman is successful having run for political office sevarl times, and yet you chose to put Edelstein on the story. That and I asked if Jeff edelstein is a columnist or a reporter. He referred to himself as a reporter yesterday (Sunday) but he had way too many opinions in that piece to be a reporter. From my perspective he is a columnist, and he should refrain from calling himself a reporter.
Now, do yourself and my Constitution a favor and publish my original post on this!
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