Thursday, July 24, 2008

So much breaking news, not enough duct tape

There has been two rather big news "items" crossing my desk in the past 24 hours.

Hamburg Borough Council President is resigning. I am currently tracking down reaction to the news. She sent an email to her colleagues on council Tuesday night, informing them of her desire to pursue a doctorate.
I will be posting more information on this story in the coming hours and days as more reaction filters into the office.

While the Wilkinson story was being confirmed last night, another breaking story occurred in Tulpehocken Township, proving just how gigantic The Item's coverage area is. From Pottsville, through a ridiculous rain/fog event, I made my way to Mancino's Pizza, right along Route 501, north of Myerstown.
It was a busy day for State Police on Route 501 yesterday as a traffic accident claimed the life of a Pine Grove (Schuylkill County) councilman earlier in the day. I was able to put this video together of the incident.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Video post: Hamburg Beach Night

Here is some footage I took last night at Beach Night in Hamburg. Again, the editing skills still need some work ...


Saturday, July 19, 2008

A new age?

When I started in newspapers about a decade ago, it was all much, much different. Even though it was just about the year 2000, no one was really thinking about how fast the future could come.

Now it's next to impossible to get a resume into a newspaper without some sort of grasp or concept of how news can be done on the Web. The early stages of news on the Web is laughable, and you'll find that most are going through a very strange transition, like me at 13.

Like me, the news industry's ears and head are growing at a disproportionate rate. But luckily the cost of experimentation is a lot less than it is in print. Newspapers were never designed to be a cavalcade of lights and sounds for your eyes. They're made to be read, but with a Web site, rarely is there just a plain page of boring text anymore.

I'm learning people are much more forgiving when it comes to Web news. There is just something about seeing something in black, white and spot color that demands a sort of respect. Perhaps it has something to do with print's inability to run the NumaNuma guy?

With this said, Friday night I embarked on a first-time journey. I went to an assignment armed only with something the kids are calling a video camera. I didn't do too much with video in college - outside of watching - because at that time, there was absolutely no way anyone thought we'd be cool with watching tiny little images on the screen to go along with our news stories, especially since our television/laptop/computer screens have gotten so much bigger.

Naturally, professional writing majors stayed focused on the writing. My best videos are much older and we edited them with two VCRs and they were about an air hockey league. I did, however, sing the Edith part of the All in the Family theme song as part of our outtakes from the pre-game show segment. I believe that is TMI, and no, I won't sing it again.

It was a weird feeling, not writing down a single thing at the assignment, that is. I later realized I didn't have a pen, but did have a notebook. Pens I have forgotten to take on assignment in past, more than once. Like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife, my so-called assignment bag has about 100 pens and pencils inside but it was just too hot for any of that last night, so it stayed in the car.

All that together, please keep in mind this video is not HD, which will be evident, and my editing skills are rusty, at best. Here is a report from Hamburg's Beach Night, an event organized by Our Town Foundation, Inc. This is the full Wing Eating Contest.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

So ... the blogs are up again

Yes, it's been some time since the blogs have been on the main page but we seem to be rolling again. We all apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

During this down time, we've all been diligently planning future editions of The Item as well as focusing on some gripping content for the paper. This week, it's been hard to ignore the lead story on Borough Council President Tammy Wilkinson's personal objections to an alleged swingers party at American House Hotel.

Normally, since this was a private party, it'd be hands-off for the paper, but because a public official decided to give her opinion on the topic, it became a news story, and one which many people, apparently, have an opinion.

The letters I have received this week have been very enlightening, to say the very least. Everyone's opinion is critical and we value each and every letter we receive. Remember if you plan to send a letter about a topic of interest (one we're covering or one we're missing), be sure to include your name and phone number, especially if you send it by email.

It's hard to believe it is nearly August. This summer has flown by, hasn't it?

Look for some exciting new additions to the blog and Web site in the coming weeks as we're working to bring you the most news from your hometown as humanly possible.

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