Thursday, February 21, 2008

Making peace

Coatesville City Council and the RDA are planning a powwow to iron out their differences. Can the relationship be saved?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city admin. and the RDA will HAVE to get along, the city created the RDA. My question is who is the head of the RDA right now since Mr. Givler is out? And August is right around the corner as far as when that 7 million has to be repaid. They better sell some property REAL SOON!

February 21, 2008 11:24 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should get along since they are cut from the same cloth, but they won't because they are cut from the same cloth such as greed & self centerness. They will all unfortunatly come to ruin someday.

February 21, 2008 8:54 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me why we would want more residential units in the city? It seems to me we have plenty of residential units around the city with middle to upperclass people. If the city wants to attract those people, perhaps they should focues on building the infastructure to support those people. Start with a resataurant, maybe a grocery store, coffee shop. Really, anything at this point would be a good idea. No residential. Focus on commercial or industry. Will help with taxes and help build infastructure.

Ryan Smith
East Fallowfield

February 22, 2008 8:35 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cabelas or bass pro shop in the flats either would employ over 200 people then attach resturants and other stores could go outlet malls. then continue out to where the new hotel will be built. and down main street it would commect a large section of the city and would boom the town to bad nobody listens.

February 22, 2008 10:07 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about infrastructure but it has to be the right type. Putting in a new check cashing outfit, nail salon or something geared to one culture just won't do. Really no one is going to shop or come to Coatesville as long as criminals roam the streets. Just imagine sitting in a coffee shop enjoying yourself as your parked car is being vandalized in the parking lot. Or walking to your after a nice dinner and being robbed. The streets need to be cleaned up first before adding more residential areas or businesses to the city. I would venture to say that there's not one area of Coatesville that is safe.

February 24, 2008 6:47 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will venture to say te streets of downtown coatesville is like a little harlem after5 pm and really who wants to be riding in their upper class car on lincoln highway and somebody yelling "hey hows your momma doing and did you know so and so was * upped the other day " as they drive and forget being stopped at a stop sign,those poor upper class people would be scared for their lives.I agree clean them streets up first then build those coffee shops and candy boutiques. It would not hurt for them to build a wawa either in town but then harlem may rob poor wawa due to location..hmmm after 6 pm no ones safe in coatesville due to them criminals roaming the streets....

January 13, 2010 11:50 AM 

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