Blogs > Off Beat

Ah, blogging. Here's my little corner of it all -- in West Chester, and well, from wherever on whatever. I'll let you know what I'm thinking and you can let me know what you're thinking. But remember, I can delete your posts.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Remember the infectious Gwen Stefani song? It used to come on the radio every 45 seconds a few years ago. Well, this has nothing to do with it. But it does bananas.

I keep trying to eat them and I can't get over that I don't like them. Think it stems from high school soccer. Our coach used to cram them down our throats on game days and now I can't stand them. Way to go high school, keeping me from keeping healthy and eating fruit later on in my life. Thanks a bunch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe it's a Freudian thing... suppression of some desire that you can't admit even to yourself?

January 20, 2009 12:09 AM 

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