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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mystery Achievement

So sayeth the New York Times: By the end of this week, Barack Obama will blink first in the VP Staredown and name his running mate.
The hot name du jour is Delaware Senator Joe Biden. Being a homer at heart, I have no problems with a guy from the tri-state area being chosen from the surrogate chorus. He has experience -- including foreign, as exhibited by his emergency trip to Georgia while it was under siege from Russia -- and isn't afraid to speak his mind.
Russia's invasion of Georgia certainly changed the game a little, giving cause for pause to undecideds unsure about Obama's world experience as the rhetoric with Russia is amped up to pre-1991 days.
Russia has oil and wants a clear path for itself into the World Trade Organization and G-8. Vladimir Putin is also talking tough about the Ukraine -- a breakaway republic that, like Georgia, has pro-West leanings and joined NATO -- and isn't happy that the U.S. just set up a missile defense system inside Poland.
Obama has plenty of ammo at his disposal. He can say that this is what happens when too much attention is paid to the needless war in Iraq over a five-year span. He can say that any baby steps forward in Russian relations have now taken a bigfoot-sized step backward under the guidance of Republican insolence.
He can concur with former chess whiz turned Russian dissident Gary Kasparov, who says that the U.S. is to blame for Putin's latest burst of arrogance.
But the truth is that the next president is going to need to command enough respect to get the rest of the free world, i.e. the West, on board in the brewing showdown with Russia.
McCain has talked tough about Russia before and will again, but are he and his paper tigers? Can someone like Obama convince us of that with talk of engaging enemies with games of hopscotch and keep a straight face.
He needs help.
He needs Joe Biden.
And Joe Biden, who seems have been running for president just for the heck of it for years, needs him.
But will the fact that Biden shoots from the hip help or hurt him with Obama?
Will he get the nod?
I think not.
I think Obama still has a wild card up his rolled-up sleeve.
And it's not Hillary Clinton (even though that move, though a tough concession that would take the steam out of winning their marathon, could win him the White House).
It's Bill Richardson.
Write it down.
Is America ready for a ticket with racially diverse ticket (Richardson has some Hispanic blood)?
I think not.
This is where the race can be won, and it is where it may be lost.


Anonymous JC said...

Oh yes!
We believe that the only true 'change we can believe in' winning ticket is:
Obama / Richardson '08
The right experience with the right temperament!

August 19, 2008 10:00 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! As I have stated time and time again - it is Richardson. We do not need an East/Mid West ticket - we need a balanced ticket and Richardson is the one. Our group here in Montg. that supported Richardson in the past needs to speak up NOW.

August 19, 2008 10:09 AM 
Anonymous joe the merd said...

Biden or Richardson are qualified and would be fine.

Biden talking from the hip would make the election from here a pretty good one.

Biden may almost force McCain to take Ridge because of the SE corner of PA being so important.

August 19, 2008 12:54 PM 
Blogger candlebrook said...

Richardson....are you kidding? that Obama has won the nomination (unless Hillary can manage an August surprise!) and is free to reveal his true self, someone who thinks it a-o.k. to spy on Americans (i.e., Obama's Yes vote for the July FISA bill, which grants immunity to the companies that supported our government's illegal spying on us) and is also on-board with shredding the tenous separation of church and state that manages to still exist after the assault of the last 7 years and that can't seem to figure out how to combat the textbook Karl Rove-inspired assault that everyone knew was coming, he has to choose Joe Biden. Biden knows who he is, what he believes, and where he's going. He'll fight for the team, stand tall when representing the U.S. people within and outside our borders (Biden knows spying on us is wrong, voted against FISA, and isn't inclined to give some convoltuted legalistic justification for doing the wrong thing), and will be fiercely loyal to Obama (even though he may not always deserve it). Biden is the one, and Obama knows it - we'll see that team on Saturday.

August 21, 2008 6:22 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Selling America... Russia has oil and now they have our Coal Mines...what's next? We have become a do nothing state...wait on is unbecoming for me to work in the fields or factories. So, Biden is a good pick for VP he has foreign policy experience and great business know-how --- but do not forget Richardson when it comes to immigration.

August 23, 2008 11:49 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW! Bill Richardson?? GG is no psychic...Don't quit your day job, unless the Times Herald folds...

August 23, 2008 7:55 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get to know Richardson and you will understand why so many from PA and the Mid West like him.

August 24, 2008 11:51 AM 

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