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Gordon Glantz is the managing editor of the Times Herald and an award winning columnist.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Listen To What The Man Said

We taped an episode of "Behind The Headlines" Thursday and panelist/contributing columnist Lisa Mossie -- who is always gracious enough to take time out of her day to join us every two weeks -- showed up at Norristown Area High School looking very much like the cat who ate the canary.

She was pumped about some comment Democratic Veep hopeful Joe Biden purportedly uttered on the campaign stump about the Obama-Biden team being tested early by an international crisis within the first six months.

Somehow, like most on the increasingly desperate right, she saw this as some sort of epiphany by the free-talking Biden and a waving of the white flag from the likely winners of this historic and marathon race.

She even gave Biden a thumbs-up for saying what he said and threw in that Colin Powell said something similar (didn't even come close, unless you go through life conviniently taking only literal meanings from everything anyone ever says).

As per usual on "show" days, when I'm worried about camera people signaling for a commercial break and making sure everyone stays involved, she had me at a disadvantage. Busy changing diapers before heading over to the taping, I didn't have the luxury of hearing what either purportedly said to make her so giddy.

My follow-up research from legitimate sources -- not hateful right-wing e-mail chains or talk-radio nutcases -- confirmed my immediate suspicions.

Biden's remarks were take so far out of context that she should come on the next show and apologize, even though that word is not in her vocabulary. Like a good right-wing foot solider, she utters a falsehood with confidence and hopes the ordinary Joes and Joannes are swayed.

It's on Page 1 of the Conservative Playbook.

What Biden said was that he wouldn't be surprised if the Obama presidency were tested but that the administration, one that will be filled with actual experts and not sycophants whose job it is to make an insecure president feel better about himself, would pass the test and ease fears of a public rightfully wary about Obama's experience.

The irony of the whole argument is that many on the right blame President Bill Clinton, not the current resident of the White House, for what happened Sept. 11. They say that the attacks were planned on Clinton's watch, so he is to blame.

So, if there is an attack planned early in an Obama presidency, wouldn't the same logic hold true?

The reality is that the same people doing a stoic job on the ground to prevent a terror attack are not going to be asked to turn in their guns and badges on Nov. 5 or the day after the next president -- hopefully Obama -- is sworn in to office.

My gut instinct, I hate to say it, is that an attack is being planned to greet the new president -- whether it is an old white man who spent time as a POW or a young black man who was the president of Harvard Law Review -- sometime in 2009. It may or may not be thwarted, but it is being plotted and planned as we sip our Green Tea and watch "Dancing With The Stars" (a Mossie favorite pastime, along with goading friends and relatives to vote for her on our "Vote for your favorite TH columnist poll.)

These terrorist attacks are like forces of natures -- like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc. -- that can't really be stopped once they develop a mind of their own.

If they are meant to happen, they will.

It is how the man at the top reacts that makes him a leader worthy of respect; a leader worthy of his name being spoken or written.

I have more confidence that Obama would use his superior intellect and proven ability to rely on a trusted and diverse inner circle than I do in a guy who rubber-stamped the actions of He Whose Name Shall Not Be Written -- or spoken -- the last time around

Apparently, Colin Powell does, too.

As for my friend, Lisa, she would have been better off showing up for the show with a black eye and backward "B" carved in her face.

Believe it or not, it would have been more believable than her fairy tale about Biden (although I fear his loose lips still could sink the ship in a country that lives on snippets and not the full story).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa is only sharing most people's fears in this arena. The statement was made ...International Crisis early in Presidency... If Biden did not believe this might happen to Obama/Biden, if they win this election, as it did to the Bush Administration - why mention it? We all believe that we are much safer now than we were right after 9/11. No matter how you cut it, the World is dangerous so get your priorities straight...

October 25, 2008 3:20 PM 
Anonymous Candi said...

It took the McSame campaign no time to turn this into an ad. I know what Joe The Big Mouth was trying to say, but I think the Dems should lock him up in a room until the election is over.
I'm still undecided. Help me!

October 25, 2008 4:15 PM 
Anonymous Jen said...

I doesn't sound to me like Lisa was concerned as much as she was taking misinformation and trying to make it fit her sad little argument.

October 25, 2008 10:59 PM 
Blogger Montco PA Dem said...

Sounds like everybody was playing their part to perfection:

Joe Biden was talking first and thinking later, as he is apt to do from time to time. It comes with the package; fortunately for all of us, that package includes a first-class mind that usually thinks first. And as we might remember, the current VP has uttered a few humdingers in his time, too...anyone remember what he told Sen. Patrick Leahy to go do to himself? And I highly doubt that Joe Biden is going to shoot anybody in the face or go off and forge fake evidence in order to get us into a war.

As GG points out, Lisa was playing her Michelle-Malkin-wannabe role to the hilt, too. I think Gordon nailed it, so no need to belabor the point.

And though I haven't seen the tape yet, I'm guessing that the panel did their usual part, too, which is to give Lisa free reign to spout this drivel and go on as if she's dealing with actual facts. Of course, if Huskey and/or Phucas was there, they were probably piling on as fast as they could.

Too bad they've got you outnumbered GG, but I'm guessing that management likes it that way.

October 25, 2008 11:42 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop sipping the Green Tea and place it on your eyes - it's good for the circles and misplaced coloring. As for Lisa dancing around - I did see O'Bama and Palin dancing on another Blog - funny! It is important to watch your words during an election - most people do not care for humor that speaks down on another candidate.

October 26, 2008 11:33 AM 
Blogger CASA said...

Um...I just read your satire piece on post-election USA under Obama. I know you think you're funny. I know you have the illusion that you are being clever, and that by deep-sixing other people you will elevate yourself. You - and many more who write not the truth, but some version of your thoughts on the truth filtered through vitriol-are bringing shame to the profession of journalism. You have somehow confused being a blogger with being an editor. I feel deeply sorry for the people of this fine community. They deserve so much better.

October 26, 2008 2:52 PM 
Blogger tlees2 said...

I agree the right wing is running with Biden's remarks because they are desperate. Having said that I know from first hand experience that Joe can be a gas bag - a talented bright gas bag - but a gas bag none the less. I think you're column today (10/26) was great.

October 26, 2008 7:46 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...


October 27, 2008 10:57 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

candi vote McCain.

October 27, 2008 11:01 AM 
Blogger Lisa said...

I took the remarks "out of context?"

Really? Is that the best you got?

C'mon Gordon. We all know Joe Biden just said what everyone is thinking. Well, what anyone who actually thinks is thinking. Keep deluding yoursef at your own peril.

I only hope that if Obama gets elected, that both me and Joe Biden are dead wrong.

October 27, 2008 5:30 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political Halloween
McCain's message: Be afraid of Obama. Be very afraid.
By John Dickerson
Posted Monday, Oct. 27, 2008, at 7:03 PM ET

DAYTON, Ohio—Who says John McCain doesn't have a tight campaign message? At his rally here Monday, the message was clear and pithy:


In three acts, McCain presented the Obama Horror Show. If Obama is elected, your taxes will go up, you'll be unsafe from foreign threats, and, especially if Congress goes Democratic, you will be forced to endure an era of unchecked liberalism.

Obama aides have long argued that their candidate offers hope while McCain offers fear. Judging by the balance of messages both candidates are giving voters before Election Day, it's hard to disagree.


And, as mcshameless goes, so goes lisa scare-the-pants-off-the-voters-mossie. Probably coached Ashley Todd in her race-baiting effort. I don't even bother to read her columns anymore, and I don't have to mute her like the negative TV ads by mcshameless. Just turn the page and continue with the real news and credible people.

October 28, 2008 7:15 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
candi vote McCain.

October 27, 2008 11:01 AM


Boy, the howlers are out early. It's not even Halloween, but this just goes to show how ignorant people are at spreading lies, like Joe aka Sam the NOT plumber and the rest of the scare tactic r's as they don't have any real things to bring to the table.


There have been numerous surveys of presidential greatness. Many are in under “Historical rankings of U.S. presidents.”

David Levine analyzed this data. Consolidating 12 surveys, Lincoln ranked first; Franklin Roosevelt, second; George Washington, third; Thomas Jefferson, fourth; Theodore Roosevelt, fifth; and Woodrow Wilson, sixth.

The study also looked at experience. A wide variety of experiences were included, ranging from being a state senator or governor up to vice president. Equal weight was given for each year of experience, regardless of type.

Buchanan, our most experienced president, was almost dead-bottom in the greatness rank.

Contrast that with our greatest presidents. Lincoln, who ranked number one, was the 17th least-experienced president. Twenty-five other presidents had more experience than he did. Franklin Roosevelt, second greatest, had the sixth least experience and led us through the Depression and World War II. Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson, the fifth and sixth greatest presidents, were also at the bottom of the experience heap.

Experience and greatness are two different concepts that don’t have a bearing on one another.

George Will, conservative columnist, recently said, “Under the pressure of the financial crisis, one presidential candidate is behaving like a flustered rookie playing in a league too high. It is not Barack Obama.”

October 28, 2008 7:21 AM 
Blogger tlees2 said...


Anonymous, you must be making over 250,000 - because otherwise your taxes are going down.

Lisa - Biden feels that any new President will be tested.

October 28, 2008 4:37 PM 
Blogger Lisa said...

Tom, That's not what he originally said, that was only his backpedalling response to his initial blunder.

No matter. I can see that those on the left don't attach the kind of weight to a statement like this as we do on the right. I only know two things: the whole world was listening when Biden made those remarks, and they could be taken the wrong way by countries who would do us harm. Secondly, if Sarah Palin had said this about McCain there is no way I could have caught Gordon, much less anyone else, by surprise, by reciting a quote that had occured 4 days prior.

In other words, if Palin had said it, it would have merited, as Dan Rather (!!) said, "Above the fold" coverage.

October 28, 2008 6:12 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard the whole comment by Biden and yes, the fear-mongerers took only what they wanted to scare people into voting for mcshameless and moose-patty ethics violator paylin, lisa mossie included. And the same thing was said by Lieberman about mcshameless who is now pandering to the fans of the World Series baseball league with the following:

The Obama camp’s purchase drew headlines when the GOP blasted Major League Baseball’s decision to delay the start of its World Series broadcast on FOX television scheduled for that night, if the series were to call for a sixth game, to accommodate the buy. A Fox executive responsible for the buy said the infomercial would replace pre-game programming, but would not delay the airing of the game. Nonetheless, the Republican candidate took a swing. "No one will delay the World Series game with an infomercial when I'm president," John McCain said Tuesday.

The last pre-election programming of this type came during the 1992 race, when Ross Perot paid for similar time blocs on network television shortly before Election Day.


Once again, no substance, just pandering and lies by repukelicraps.

October 29, 2008 11:06 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CASA said...
Um...I just read your satire piece on post-election USA under Obama. I know you think you're funny. I know you have the illusion that you are being clever, and that by deep-sixing other people you will elevate yourself. You - and many more who write not the truth, but some version of your thoughts on the truth filtered through vitriol-are bringing shame to the profession of journalism. You have somehow confused being a blogger with being an editor. I feel deeply sorry for the people of this fine community. They deserve so much better.

October 26, 2008 2:52 PM


And what about Stan's idiotic "pull the trigger" piece. Did he inspire those neo-nazi kkk idiots who were going to dress up in white tuxes with hats to kill Obama? Then there's the 8 year old kid killed by an uzi because of some lame brain's idea of letting children shoot pumpkins. Someone needs to go to jail with that lack of intelligent thinking and lack of being a responsible adult.

Gordon, please continue to do what you are doing best! Offering a counterpart to the insane "Ashley Todd" bias.

October 29, 2008 11:10 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Delaware senator's remarks were the second of their kind over the weekend. At a fundraiser in San Francisco, Biden said Obama's challengers will "find out this guy's got steel in his spine" when he is tested.


"But he probably is going to be tested and he hasn't had experience and I'd like to think he'll be up to the task with whatever we face, but politics is about making choices. But the question is given the failures of the Bush administration ... do we want to go in that direction or do we want to go in a different direction?" Schoen asked.


And what experience has president-select shrub had other than playing video games in the Texas "house"?

In Texas, another state that ranks relatively low on the list, Gov. Rick Perry (R) has come under fire for using executive orders to make policy. Perry, for example, bypassed the Legislature and signed an executive order requiring that all 6th-grade girls be vaccinated against an std that causes cervical cancers. Lawmakers are pressing Perry to reverse the mandate, and a lawsuit has been filed to block it.

The governor’s inability to make key appointments is one of the main reasons the Texas governorship is so weak. The governors of Arizona, California, Pennsylvania and Tennessee, for example, can appoint the top personnel in corrections, education, health, transportation, public utilities and welfare, a power the Texas governor lacks.

October 29, 2008 11:19 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Offensive innuendo turned Powell away
October 28, 2008
Colin Powell had been bugged by many things in his party's campaign this fall: the insidious merging of rumors that Barack Obama was Muslim with intimations that he was a terrorist sympathizer; the assertion that Sarah Palin was ready to be president; the uniformed sheriff who introduced Palin by sneering about Barack Hussein Obama; Palin's insidious notion that small towns in states that went for W. were "the real America."

But what sent him over the edge and made him realize he had to speak out was when he opened his New Yorker three weeks ago and saw a picture of a mother pressing her head against the gravestone of her son, a 20-year-old soldier who had been killed in Iraq. On the headstone were engraved his name, Kareem Rashad Sultan Khan, his awards — the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star — and a crescent and a star to denote his Islamic faith.

"I stared at it for an hour," he told me. "Who could debate that this kid laying in Arlington with Christian and Jewish and nondenominational buddies was not a fine American?"

Khan was an all-American kid. A 2005 graduate of Southern Regional High School in Manahawkin, N.J., Khan loved the Dallas Cowboys and playing video games with his 12-year-old stepsister, Aliya.

In a gratifying "Have you no sense of decency, Sir and Madam?" moment, Colin Powell went on Meet the Press on Sunday and talked about Khan, and the unseemly ways John McCain and Palin have been polarizing the country to try to get elected.

The former secretary of state has dealt with prejudice in his life, in and out of the Army, and he is keenly aware how many millions of Muslims around the world are being offended by the slimy tenor of the race against Obama.

He told Tom Brokaw that he was troubled by what other Republicans, not McCain, had said: "'Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.' Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no. That's not America. Is something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president?"


And, who else are the fear-mongerers going to go after? Marlo Thomas, since her daddy was an Arab? Thomas was born Amos Alphonsus Muzyad Yaqoob in Deerfield, Michigan, on January 6, 1912, to Charles and Margaret Jacobs. He was of Lebanese descent.

October 30, 2008 9:04 AM 
Blogger johntheman7 said...

Our beautiful soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is the best future leader for this nation, not Senator Barak Obama. Our beautiful soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is also would be better at leading our nation in the future after a McCain Presidency than Senator Barak Obama would be in leading our nation in the future starting in January 2009. There are great reasons our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin would be a better future leader than Senator Barak Obama. The greatest reason for our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin's is ideology. Our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is conservative in that she is pro life, marriage, guns, low taxes, low government spending, small government, unintrosive government, traditional and judeo Christian values, Bible reading and prayer in our public schools, and military spending.She is also pro free and private enterprize. Senator Barak Obama is a liberal who is anti every thing that I have described that our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is pro about or for. A second reason that our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is superior is because of experience. As a governor she has two years of executive administrative governing experience that Senator Barak Obama does not have. A final reason that our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin is superior is because of political accomplishments. When our soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin came to office she accomplished 3 major things which are as follows: she showed great leadership in the 3 following areas: government reform, the state budget and the economy, and wise use of natural resources. She reformed government by standing up to the big oil companies by breaking up the monopoly on power and resources. She insisted on competition and basic fairness which ended the control that the oil companies had on the state, and thereby returning control of the state back to the people. She also stood up to the special interest and lobbyist, and produced major ethics reform. She lead well in the state budget by generating a surplus which came about by vetoing a half billion dollars of wasteful spending, ending the abuses of earmark spending by congress, and by getting rid of the private jet, the chef, and the chuffer. Economically under her leadership she brought about the largest private-sector infrastructure project in North American history. She also suspended the state fuel tax, and when oil and gas prices went up dramatically, and filled up the state treasury, she sent a large share of that revenue back where it belonged - directly to the people of Alaska . On natural resources she has shown great leadership by beginning a nearly forty billion dollar natural gas pipeline to help lead America to energy independence. When the last section of the pipeline is laid and its valves are opened, will lead America one step farther away from dependence on dangerous foreign powers that do not have our interests at heart. Senator Barak Obama has done nothing, so please vote John McCain for President and give to our beautiful soon to be Vice President Sarah Palin the opportunity that she deserves leading the nation into the future after a John McCain presidency. When our soon to be Vice President does lead the nation as President after a John McCain presidency,she will be the greatest President that we have ever had. Finally she is smarter than Senator Barak Obama

Thank You

John Warren

October 31, 2008 5:20 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moose patty clothes horse paylin can't even pronounce Khalidi's name and spews more lies about the connection between him and Obama. But the $80k that the board gave Khalidi pales in comparision to the almost 1/2 million dollars that mcshameless' IRI gave him:

Khalidi has been involved in Palestinian causes. McCarthy ought to ask John McCain about that, because McCain and Khalidi appear to have some joint interests, and that fact speaks very well of both of them. Indeed, the McCain–Khalidi connections are more substantial than the phony Obama–Khalidi connections McCarthy gussies up for his article. The Republican party’s congressionally funded international-networking organization, the International Republican Institute–long and ably chaired by John McCain and headed by McCain’s close friend, the capable Lorne Craner–has taken an interest in West Bank matters. IRI funded an ambitious project, called the Palestine Center, that Khalidi helped to support. Khalidi served on the Center’s board of directors. The goal of that project, shared by Khalidi and McCain, was the promotion of civic consciousness and engagement and the development of democratic values in the West Bank. Of course, McCarthy is not interested in looking too closely into the facts, because they would not serve his shrill partisan objectives.


and moose patty was booed again as she doesn't know sports or geography. She'd give the "clueless" actress a run for her money just being her ignorant self.

October 31, 2008 1:53 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, you have been interviewed, time,and time again. Most questions were the economy (housing is how we judge the economy)and how I think it can be improved. I said we need to make sure that people can support a home purchase,which means they need steady employment with a company that will not ship jobs over seas. The #2 was a surprise -Immunity for Undocumented people here in the US. I thought about our state and the problems we now have and replied...No Work,No Housing and No Fed./State handouts, they will be shipped back to the country of their birth. If this is understood by every person in this country they will not hide their relatives, under the pretence of the need of asylum.

November 2, 2008 9:23 AM 

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