The Phoenix Files

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Ask Skip

Curious about current events and happenings in the Borough? Have a question about Borough politics? Or is there something you’ve learned you would like to have investigated? The Phoenix’s resident Borough expert Skip Lawrence would be happy to answer any of these questions you might have. Email your questions to
with the title “Phoenix: Ask Skip.” Skip will try to answer all relevant questions, either through blog posts, podcasts or videos. Stay tuned to to see Skip answer your questions.


Anonymous I am sooo sorry said...


I actually have to questions, why does it take so long in getting information out to the public following a boro meeting??
Second, where the heck is Tirgo? He ran for Mayor, did he move? I did not vote for him and I am sorry. And I hate myself for saying it, but the SOB was right. Mesina, Carpetbagger and Coach Scoda were not what this town needed. Ok, now I need to wash my mouth out with soap.

January 16, 2008 10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the School District came up with the idea for a fundraiser for Relay For Life why not allow them that right? Why does Council need to vote to support or not support such a decision? The bridge itself is not owned by the borough and I don't believe they can technically dictate where school district fundraising money goes. Is this just sour grapes on the part of Council because they missed an opportunity?

January 19, 2008 12:17 PM  

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