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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

CDC 2008 Agenda

If you have been both reading The Phoenix and listening to our podcasts, then you know that Barry Cassidy, Executive Director of Main Street CDC, has outlined an agenda of projects the CDC hopes to accomplish by year's end. Here's a quick, paraphrased list of these projects:

- CDC hopes to act as "point of contact" between PPG and the Borough to make progress on development of the steel site.

- Perform a market study for the proposed passenger rail line between the Borough and Frazier.

-Secure grants for the Elm Street housing program on the north side.

-Implement a $2 million construction grant for the Streetscape project. To my understanding, this includes finishing the brick sidewalk on Bridge Street.

-Create a parking authority. Also, to make progress on the plan for a parking garage on the current Taylor Alley lot by the Family Dollar Store.

-Continue promotions, such as First Fridays.

-Continue to make progress on parks, including implementing $220,000 contract for development of Andre Thornton Park.

Which of these projects, in your opinon, would you like to see completed the most? Are there any that aren't as high of a priority as others?

Personally, I'd like to see the proposed passenger rail study completed as soon as possible, just so we can know if this will become a reality. This is a great opportunity for both bringing jobs into Phoenixville and bringing Phoenixville residents to jobs.

However, at a recent planning commission meeting I attended in a nearby township, some of the planners questioned the feasibility of the rails. One planner said that since the existing rail lines have only been used for freight trains, work needs to be done on the rails in order to accomodate passenger trains. Another official simply questioned the reasoning behind creating a rail line that covers such a short distance.

But that's the point of the market study, to reveal flaws like these above-mentioned theoretical ones, and determine solutions how to solve them...if they're solvable, that is.

So that's the high priority agenda item for me. Others are certainly important as well...I hope they finally get that sidewalk finished once and for all.

Later on,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Cassidy won't be able to get half of these items done because he still has people who'll work against him. Besides, he's leaving town at the end of the year, so he'll be blamed for not having everything done. Plus, the same people who'll work against him won't be happy unless Cassidy praises them just for being who they are. The Borough could care less with what Cassidy inspires to do. They prefer to be pompous and talk to Robb Frees, and act like they've been involved all along. You have to give Cassidy credit for all that he's done, and what he'd like to accomplish before he leaves this borough in the dust.

January 10, 2008 1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yippee that PABA has given Cassidy their support for his parking plan. That's like shoe laces making Donald Trump the man he is. No one cares about PABA nor their opinion. They are a pack of whiny merchants who still insist on being followers than town leaders. Of course they'll support anyone as long as they don't have to contribute to anything. They are comfortable on the sidelines cheering on anyone who has an idea. I'm pretty sure that Cassidy leaped out of bed much easier knowing that he still has PABA's adoration. I'm sure there are plenty of people in this town that woke up to see the PABA name on the front page of the Phoenix, and didn't know who PABA are, or what they've done for the community. Let's see .... nothing.

January 11, 2008 1:12 AM  

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