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Monday, December 31, 2007

No Hugs Allowed

I’ve decided to attempt to cooperate with Matt and shoot videos (occasionally, at least) and so I had a great idea for a video on Christmas Eve. I’m sure that it was more about me than about getting the video, but, nevertheless, I thought it would be fun to go to the KoP and give out hugs to shoppers who were stressed out about the quickly fading hours they had to finish their shopping for the next day.

Well, we decided to be responsible and ask if we could film. The guy in the office there was terribly rude to us, saying “Well, if they didn’t call back, then they didn’t call,” which effectively ended the conversation.

So, I guess this means there’s no hugging in the KoP mall. I think you should go down there and show them that hugging can be all right and can brighten someone’s day. Hug each other, hug a stranger, hug a guard (and then probably bolt, but you get the idea). Let’s change this “no hugs allowed.” Let the love commence.

Posted by
Laurie Perini


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know less about human nature that you do immigration. Why is it that the paper will only hire wet behind the ears kids out of school just getting their start than someone who will get off of their backside, do some investigative reporting, yes there is some investigating to be done look at council, and provide real stories to their readership? I will tell you why; they are cheap, their numbers are on the decline and their building is for sale.. If they had done a better job on the election, instead of running fluff pieces, maybe there would be different people taking office on 1/7/08. Your reporting sux, your delivery sux and in effect your paper SUX!

December 31, 2007 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WELL than you should not read it if you hate it so much .Do you eat steak if you dont like the way it taste?.Or do you eat it cause so thik it better than hotdogs? Move back to where you came from.

December 31, 2007 6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To anon 12/31/07 6:15Pm

I will not move back to where I came from. I came here to see and help Phoenixville grow as a community. It cannot and will not accomplish this as long as it refuses to move along from it's past. As a once advid reader of the paper (for over 23 years) there has been a steady decline in the quality of the articles. Point blank there is no denying it. I am also sure that the circulation has also declined. Phoenixville had one decent reporter (Margaret Fitzcharles) and she was with the sister paper, The Mercury. I do not mind a change of pace in articles, but it has become more so of the steady diet in which you speak of and criticize me for eating. I suggest that you have grown into complacent with eating the poor writings that are being provided by this paper and because they say it is good, you believe it. I say question the paper, question the authority of the government and the people that represent you and ask yourself, are they representing me? DO NOT TAKE IT FOR GRANTED! Look at what has transpired in the last two years. Our taxes have risen by over 30% (more if you add in the number of new houses) and we have been told, it's ok, we need to do it. I do not buy it and neither should you. This paper has operated as the mouth piece of an incompetent Borough Manager and a bunch of goofballs that had no business running our town. It needs to be called on the carpet for letting go of any journalistic integrity go by the wayside.

December 31, 2007 11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that there are far more serious stories that need attention than some video of giving folks hugs at the mall.

Investigative reporting -- with videos -- would be a lot more relevant -- and might actually bring some progress to town.

For instance -- what's going on with PPG? The steel property is still empty. Why is it still empty? What happened with the hearing in West Chester in November? Where do things go now?

Let's think Michael Moore, rather than video fluff.

January 1, 2008 8:38 PM  

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