Thursday, October 16, 2008

NUTS! FBI probes ACORN voter fraud

Just when ACORN and the Obama campaign thought they were going to steal the 2008 presidential election before anyone noticed, those pesky agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation are on the case.

The Association Press has confirmed that the FBI has launched an investigation of the pro-Obama group ACORN for voter fraud.

Specifically, the FBI wants to find out if ACORN is behind "a coordinated national scam" involving phony voter registrations.

At least 14 states are investigating ACORN-related voter fraud allegations within their borders.

ACORN stands for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. The organization received $830,000 from the Obama campaign earlier this year to help register voters for Obama.

ACORN officials have said they registered 1.3 million new voters so far.

The Republican National Committee claims at least 200,000 of those registrations involve voter fraud.

For more on the FBI probe, read the full story from The Associated Press at The Mercury Web site.

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Anonymous pj said...

Who are these 1.3 million NEW voters? Where have they been? Hiding since they crossed the Mexican border? Is anyone checking to see if they are real U.S. citizens?
People shouldn't be allowed to vote unless they pay taxes. Why should people on welfare or who don't pay taxes, determine how much the rest of us pay in our taxes?

October 18, 2008 12:03 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that facts are a pesky thing, but it isn't voter fraud, it's voter registration fraud. Most voter registration fraud is caught by the local voter registration folks. Voter fraud occurs when someone illegally votes, which is very rare.

I guess you have figured out that McCain is going to lose and you're starting your excuses early. Sorry, you'll need to find another one because the Voter fraud one just doesn't fly.

October 21, 2008 11:52 AM 

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