Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Free book, seminar propose to make you more productive

The Philadelphia Business Journal and Neen James (pictured below), president of Neen James Communications LLC have informed me that on Friday, January 22, I can attend a free "supercharged: seminar to jump-start my productivity and make 2010 my most productive year ever!

This description, the use of the word "supercharged" and the exclamation point have already scared me away. Plus the fact that my job doesn't allow me to jaunt off to Philly on workdays for a seminar, albeit free. That simply wouldn't be productive.
But you, reader, may reserve your spot now for the Supercharge Your Productivity seminar, where you'll meet Philadelphia Business Journal Publisher Lyn Kremer and special presenter Neen James, president of Neen James Communications LLC. James is an international productivity expert, author, and native Australian.

The seminar takes place Friday, January 22, from 8 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. at the offices of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 200 South Broad St., Suite 700, Philadelphia, PA 19102. In addition to complimentary admission, light refreshments will be served and each attendee will receive a free copy of James' book "Secrets of Super-Productivity."

From the press release: Do you ever hear yourself saying 'there are never enough hours in the day?' Do you ever feel like you get to the end of the day and you haven't achieved anything? If you answered yes to these questions you need to hear productivity expert (and Aussie), Neen James share her practical advice on how you accelerate your business and start creating impact with super-productivity. It's not about time management; it's about focusing your time, attention and energy in the things that will deliver the best results for you and your firm. During these current times you need to stop being busy and start achieving! (again with the exclamation point!)

Program Details:

8 to 8:30 a.m.: Registration and Networking

8:30 to 9:15 a.m.: How to Make More Money with the Philadelphia Business Journal. Learn how to turn our business news into new business for you! During the seminar, you'll become resourceful at unearthing key information, prepared to achieve your sales goals, successful in recognizing sales leads, proactive in pursing warm leads and informed on what networking events are geared to your business.

9:15 to 9:30 a.m.: Break

9:30 to 10:15 a.m.: Super-Productivity: How to make 2010 your most productive year ever with Neen James, President, Neen James Communications LLC.

Although the seminar is free, registration is required. To register, visit Supercharge Your Productivity.

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