What's Coming Up

Spring is the season of renewal, and it's also an exciting time for gardeners.
It's when you get that feeling where you can't wait to get your hands dirty and to see what's coming up, so to speak.
All over my gardens, things are starting to pop up, and I don't just mean the spring bulbs. Of course, I have my share of daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and tulips -- most leftover from Easter blooms of year's past. Yes, each year, I can't resist purchasing one or usually more Easter flowers just to brighten up things in the house. And speaking of Easter blooms, now's the time to get them into the ground. Don't expect them to bloom next spring though, most were forced to bloom early for Easter this year and will need a season to recuperate.
OK, now on to the perennials! The daylillies are sprouting green stems, the tall lillies are coming up, the grasses are off to a slow start, but they'll catch up, and my spring favorites, the bleeding hearts are shooting up rapidly! I've got green leaves on the butterfly bushes, and best of all, there're plants coming up that I can't remember what they are! It's always a fun surprise to see where I planted all those perennials I divided last fall ...
The hostas are spiking up, the astilbe and hydrangeas are breaking through and even inside the core of the ferns are little green pinwheels just waiting to unfurl in warmer weather. It looks like it's going to be a good season!
In anticipation, a few photos of what's to come in my garden this summer.

Up next I'll be getting into planting my new perennials (hopefully tonight) and starting seeds, as well as opening up the pond for spring. I just hooked up the filter this past weekend and the fish are looking good!
Labels: gardening, perennials, spring bulbs
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