Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And now for something completely different ...

Star Trek - Enterprise A Pictures, Images and Photos
Yeah, I know that's a Monty Python reference, but this blurb has nothing to do with that. Just something strange that perked me up this morning while settling in ...

The cremains of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and his wife will spend eternity together in space.

Celestic Inc., a company that specializes in "memorial spaceflights," said yesterday that it will ship the remains into space next year.

According to the Associated Press, the couple's remains will be sealed into specially made capsules designed to withstand the rigors of space travel. A rocket-launched spacecraft will carry the capsules, along with digitized tributes from fans. The craft will travel ever deeper into the Final Frontier and will not return to earth.

After Gene died in 1991, his wife commissioned Celestis to launch a part of his remains into space in 1997. She died Dec. 18, 2008.

No word on whether Celestis will fashion the transporting spacecraft after the USS Enterprise -- now that would be cool!!

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