Friday, November 7, 2008

Signs of Changing Times

So the election's over, your euphoria (or dismay) is evaporating and now you are faced with the most suddenly burdensome political issue you faced in months -- what the *&#k do we do with all the campaign signs?!

It is inevitable, in the days that follow, that The Mercury will begin to hear from readers in a variety of ways that "someone" needs to take care of all the campaign signs that litter the roadways, Route 422 in particular.
Most complainers argue that the signs should be the responsibility of the candidates and yes, they should. But the candidates didn't put them up and I doubt they'll take them down.
Assuming someone eventually does take them down, what to do with them?
For advice, allow The Thin Green Line to provide this link to Grist Magazine, which has some truly excellent suggestions:


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