Look to Baltimore
Ed, Trenton should take a page from Baltimore, where they fired the top cop due to the rise in murders in that city. Trenton needs to fire its top cop and get somebody who knows his business and how to control this city and keep the murder rate down.
Wake up!! You cannot control the murder rate. But what you can control is how a person feels about where they live. The residents of this city have a self-esteem problem. It's like the old saying: You gotta love yourself before you can love anybody else. This city has to start loving itself.— Ed. Note
Regarding the citizens self esteem problems, I think you have it incorrect. Believe it or not most of the long time residents in the city are involved, and constantly trying to find new ways to improve not only their lives also those around them. In an attempt to achieve this dream, certain communities would need assistance from city hall departments to clean lots, cut branches, fix sidewalks, install street lights, fine absentee landlords for their despicable properties and respond confidentially to citizen watchdogs. These things don't happen. While Palmer and Santiago, are posing for pictures and reading canned responses to legitimate questions, the city continues to look like a pig stye. Don't blame everything on the citizens. We have taken our trash bags and picked up our neighborhoods, but since we don't all live in Mill Hill, my guess would be we won't get any help, apologies or even the time of day.
Baltimore on the other hand is no larger than Trenton, however, there must be some sort of administrative concern because Baltimore has long since become a respected metropolitan area for families for many years. It would seem to me that Palmer and his cronies are only concerned with how much money they can squeeze out of the community without any concern with what the community needs as a capital city. In comparison to Baltimore, if Trenton stinks, offers no affordable housing, police, protection or citizen assistance we'll never overcome our deficiencies as the capital city of New Jersey.
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