Hamilton’s Dog Park
Ed, I’m tired about people complaining about that dog park. It’s a nice place. The only thing it needs is a windstop so people don’t freeze to death in the winter and they need a hose and hose attachment to get water because you can’t use the water fountain for the dogs. This lady complaining the dogs not being licensed and little kids, how the heck does she know who has a license? I’m not even a resident but I would chip in to help with renovations on that park because I use it. It’s a nice dog park. As far as the kids go, who cares? If I was a four-year-old kid and had a bunch of hundred-pound dogs running around, I’d be in heaven. What are her kids doing? Yeah, one of them could get knocked over, but you cross that bridge when you come to it. Put up a sign that says you’re on your own in the park.
Park user
So let’s see... is there anything else you’d like to see at the dog park? Maybe you’d like to see it enclosed and heated in the winter, and maybe they could put a big air conditioning unit on top to keep the little dogs cool in the summer? You don’t live in Hamilton, so you don’t have to pay the taxes, but get to enjoy its benefits. Anything else the township can do to accommodate you?— Ed. Note
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