Nanny slave, what?
Ed, I’m calling about about the nanny. How can you bring her, or anyone, here to this country and turn them into slaves? I am so angry I want to go out there to West Windsor and just march by myself. Do something so this cannot happen again! It’s happening and we don’t know about it. How can you take someone’s passport and turn them into slaves? I am one angry senior citizen and a descendant of slavery. I cannot understand this. Something should be done with that family in West Windsor. I have a feeling there’s a lot of this going on with immigrants who are trapped in a private home and afraid of being deported if they speak up.
Angry senior citizen
I like the protest idea. Let’s organize a protest against illegal aliens and slavery of illegal aliens. As for the family in question, I think we need to build an old-fashioned Gulag for these people.— Ed. Note
As reference to the recent murder of three young students in Newark, NJ, this issue has relation. Some of the person(s) charged in this tragedy, were illegal aliens. This in itself sends the message that all illegal aliens are criminals and exactly what this country does not want. Many of us support this idea wholeheartedly. Flip the coin. On one hand we don't want them here, the other, we agree we will, with exception under the particular standards of our own premise. Illegal aliens, are one issue, a legal alien is another.
As legislation rages on in an attempt to decide who is worthy, who is not and why, many are breaking the law, and it's not just
the aliens. American's on a whole do not like doing certain tasks. Factually, they don't and won't engage in certain aspects of their lives that they consider demeaning or below there status in the community. It's very fashionable to have "HELP". The positions these people occupy in and around there homes and businesses are deemed as housekeepers,workers, help, people I use, caretakers and nanny's. People could care less, whether or not the paper work is in proper form. The Attorney General has recently announced that any illegal alien with a criminal offense record be immediately returned to their prospective countries, and yes we all agree. But what about the legal aliens? Are they only allowed in this country to serve our bidding, makes our lives more comfortable or is this their chance at a life in the GREATEST country in the world? While doing this many aliens, (legal or illegal) are exploited in ways unimaginable. In the case of the Hamilton woman living enslaved for years, it speaks to how this issue is viewed and valued. Such as: We don't want them here. We don't want them here legally (there taking american jobs, (dismissing the fact that most American jobs have been outsourced by the big company executives to insure a larger percentge of dollars in their own behalf). We don't want them here illegally, changing our school systems, they should learn to speak English,there exhausting our medical and public assistance roles and should work for a living just like American's do. However, if necessary, should we desire some sort of help and can't or refuse to hire someone on a legal basis,(paying more than below minimun wage) it's fine. Then,they engage in human trafficking someone and use them like a dog. pay them nothing, work them like robots and ignore any civil liberties afforded to them. Thus insuring our wants and needs are met. Bull, we cannot skirt this issue. Many so called law abiding citizens are dealing with Human Trafficking violations, and well are all very much aware of this fact. Make up your mind people, after rally to keep them out of this country, kiss children, eat your dinner, relax in your beautiful home, and advise them what you want them to do tomorrow, by all means don't foget to lock up you alien, be it physically or psychologically. These actions are no more than slavery and the persons involved should be treated no less than any other trafficker. They should be prosecuted by the Attorney Generals Office.
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