Go Paul!
Hi, Ed, I’m calling about article “Cops rage against The Trentonian for highlighting crime.” I’d like to commend Paul Mickle for having the courage to write this beautiful article highlighting the fact that these cops have had their gravy, cake and ice cream for a long, long time. Because the truth is coming out, that they really don’t care about the citizens of Trenton, they are reacting in this very negative, childish way. As for Jenny Hightower, they know emphatically that they killed that young girl. And their comments about making plenty of arrests, there was one guy, I won’t name him, you know him, who said the hardest job the Trenton police have is picking up their paycheck.
Cop Critic
Mickle is the man. But he wasn’t going after all the officers in the department — just the spin doctors in charge of coverups, blame-the-messenger tactics and the misallocation of resources for public image instead of crime-fighting. There are plenty of hardworking cops on the street.—Ed. Note
Have to agree with cop critic on all points. The crime in Trenton didn't just happen over night/post Santiago. It was long in the making due to those having their cake and ice cream for as long as they did. Too bad Santiago couldn't get rid of all the past chiefs cronies and get real men to replace them. Ones that will uphold their oath to protect and serve, regardless of whether they like who is in charge or not. Ones that will be able to proudly report to a higher authority when their day on this earth is done and not try to blame Mayor Palmer for their behavior.
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