Horse funeral
Ed, I can’t believe you guys are bringing up the Baron AA and Jack Rafferty. The Democrats used that as their platform to get into office because they had nothing else to offer, and eight years later it shows. They have nothing. Just look at the state of our town. They’ve run it into the ground. Hamilton was a better place when Rafferty and the Republicans were running things. When he left office he left several budget surpluses in nearly every department. Eight years later, where are we? What did Gilmore and his cronies do with all the money? If you ask residents today if they would gladly change their gang problems for the gamblers at the Baron AA, what do you think they’d say? Stop beating a dead horse, guys. Ask the Dems one simple question: Where did all the money go?
Unhappy in Hamilton
Oh, come on. We haven’t beat that horse in years. Can’t let a horse corpse totally heal (no offense, PETA). Anyway, the Republicans are back in power now. I wish them luck.—Ed. Note
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