More cops or fewer
Hi, Ed, Trenton Mayor Palmer and Police Director Santiago are beating their chests, proud they are hiring 50 new police officers, but they don’t tell you the money is coming from a federal grant. It won’t make the city safer because more than 50 officers will be retiring soon. So, there will probably be fewer police than before, and the department is still wasting an officer sitting outside Palmer’s empty Trenton residence around the clock, a waste of taxpayers’ money that should stop now!
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Actually, they did tell us the money is from a grant. That was in an earlier story. And I think they’ll replace some of those retirees. That’s usually how it works. —Ed. Note
How bogus, speaking of residence requirements, why hasn't hizzoner been called on this. He gave Santiago a pass. Everyone knows the officer outside of his residence is just a ploy. How much of the tax payers money will be wasted before something is done.
City employees should live in the city including the Mayor.
This is the issue City Counsel should be spending their time on.
City administration has such a backhanded reputation it's pathetic. If they don't call Palmer and Santiago on this issue, every and I mean every city resident should go out of their way to get them off any ballot they put their name on. Get to work you bunch of backsliding, no good, kick back losers. Time to really represent your constituents.
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