Don't publicize gangs
Ed, I’m a lifelong resident of Newark, and living in Willingboro for the past couple of years. I read your paper a lot and want to comment on gang activity in Trenton. I believe you are wrong in publishing everything the Bloods gangs do in your paper; it gives them as means of power and it makes people more and more afraid of them, which they notice. If you know anything about Newark, there’s way more Bloods and crimes up there, but they don’t publish it in the paper every time a Blood member does something because it just gives them more power in the streets.
Head in the Sand
Are you sure they don’t ignore gang news up there because it’s gotten so bad that it’s not news anymore? You can blame the messenger all you want, but we’re not going to ignore what’s happening down here. —Ed. Note
I agree with you, it is a part of the intiation, that the act of violence or crime must make the newspaper for the new member to make the gang. (check it out, it's true) Therefore the messenger is also fueling the war instead of reporting whats going on. In fact you can just say you are a part of the gang or an accomplice. Think about it.
When will they catch on.
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