Get down with the streets
Ed, why isn’t the mayor living in Trenton? We have so many problems living in Chambersburg, it’s unbelievable. Both Santiago and Palmer should live in Trenton and see what it’s like to live here and get mugged and beat up!
’Burg Dweller
Living where you work gives you a feel for the area’s problems and a firm stake in solving them. But Santiago’s supreme compassion and skill make up for anything lost by not having him live here. Right?—Ed. Note
If Palmer or Santiago lived on Stuyvesant Ave, Walnut Ave, or the Burg, would things change? Let's see how long it would take them to straighten things out if thugs were selling drugs outside their door, taking over their street, shooting each other, invading their property and leaving the neighborhood blighted with garbage. To Palmer and Santiago these issues are circumstantial, to us, it's everyday life. How long do you think they could live with it?
Who is Palmer trying to kid? Santiago makes over $100,000 a year and can not afford to live in Trenton yet he can afford to live in pricier Sterling, get his hair trimmed daily and wear $1,000 custom tailored suits? Santiago is a WHIMP and Palmer is a BS artist. Lame excuse to attempt to use the safety of Santiago's family while Trenton's FINEST MUST live in the city with the same fear.
"Trenton's FINEST MUST live in the city"
Really? Since when?
first of all Mayor Palmer put Director Santiago in that position, guess what had him in the Marriott holet. No one spoken up after 5 yrs. well, I personal offer Director to move in the third floor and paying rent proof of resident. got no respond.
he must fix it to move in cheap rent to. all he got to do just pay me. lol
the law is the laws.
Mayor Palmer and Director Santiago best way to keep both of them in the city cause they broken the law. Melone, sue them, what the heck. Juan Martinez sue Mayor Palmer and gotten a job making $60,0000.00 salary. One way to keep both of them in the city.
broken the law paid up time.
Where is city council in all of this rhetoric. It's time they did something concrete on this as well as so many other issues they huffed and puffed over. Could it be that since so many of them are Palmer cronies, and their votes would be needed to change things, he can do as he pleases? Or could it be that since Sharpe James was indicted everyone is afraid to rear their ugly heads?
I hope Sharpe James is singing like a bird.
When Sharpe James begins to sing, listen closely to the words in his song. You'll hear several references to city council members. The song will have a catchy tune, screaming,laughing, crying,jeering and a slow melody. Yet the best part of the song will resemble prison doors being slammed. It'll be a #1 hit in New Jersey at least.
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