No new school
Ed, I hope you print this before Hamilton Township’s election for a new school. I’d like all the residents to vote no for a new school. Instead they need to ask our school board to do what’s necessary to get rid of all the illegal students in our school system that live in Trenton or wherever and come to Hamilton Township. We need to cut out free breakfasts and lunches we give out to people who are not eligible. I know families that own businesses and live in big houses, yet their kids are getting free meals. We need to cut out tutoring after school from 3:30-6 p.m. at Greenwood and Kuser schools, where we pay our teachers $28 an hour. No learning going on there. They also get a free pizza party every Friday; another waste of money. We take these kids to play golf for free, but we pay. Again $28 an hour for the teachers. The kids get nothing out of playing golf in elementary school. Let’s force our school board to do what’s necessary to eliminate wasteful spending. If we get rid of the illegal students and eliminate overcrowding we won’t need another school and hopefully our taxes will go down.
You can throw all the cash you want at a broken system and it will still be broken. —Ed. Note
Great blog!!
Oh stop blaming everything on what you deem to be illegal students. The so-called illegal students don't manage or distribute the funds that never seem to reach the right place in any of these school districts. The students are caught in the middle just as much as you tax paying home owners. Quit crying and look to the authority figures that you elected. Perhaps, you don't even need a new school, its just another way for the school administration to create a large financial opportunity, (by way of doing for the students) that will allow them to take something off the top. This practice has become common place anymore.
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