How to help dogs
About the dog on Beatty Street that has no shelter or food and is chained to a fence — call Joey Miller, the cruelty investigator for the City of Trenton Bureau of Animal Control. His phone number is (609) 989-3253. When I saw a dog that was being mistreated, I called animal control and Joey Miller came out within five minutes.
Dog’s best friend
The same advice goes for anyone on any street where a dog is being tortured.—Ed. Note
Don't you believe it. I called Animal Control and told them that I witnessed two pit bulls rip a ground hog in half and lick up the blood. When the officers came they had a pleasant converstation with the owner of the dogs and left. On the flip side when I requested that Animal Control do something about the neighborhood being overrun with cats, they told me That I would have to come in,fill out a form, and,leave a $90. deposit to rent a trap. Trap the cats and then call them to pick the cat up. Wonder if Joey knows about that?
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