Kill the killers
Ed, Please tell Gov. Corzine — who I will not vote for again and who I hope loses the next election — that I’d like him to spend an hour with Ambrose Harris at Trenton State Prison and then say goodbye to the death penalty. Tell Jeff to go there, too. The animals we have in jail, I’m sick of feeding and paying for them with my tax dollars. I’m 68 and I’ve worked all my life since age 14. Don’t I deserve something? I’m tired taking care of people who don’t deserve it. I want the death penalty. I want Ambrose Harris dead and buried some place. Jon Corzine, thank God we only have you for four years.
No Mercy
The governor and Ambrose in a cell together. Now there’s a good premise for a sitcom.—Ed. Note
Great blog! I agree....
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