The real black opinion
Ed, I’m calling about “black on white.” First, please don’t call yourself an African-American woman. If this call did come from an African-American woman, you are truly a very sad and ignorant person. No doubt back in the day of my great-great-grandparents, you would have worked in the big house. I bet you go to church every Sunday, don’t you? BackTalk is a cesspool for racism and you just jumped into the pool. How sad; I feel sorry for you. You need a history lesson, not American history but a true history lesson. This is from a black woman.
Speaking My Mind
About the “cesspool” comment”: We’ve been careful to screen offensive racist comments in recent months, because you’re right, the racism was out of control. You’d be appalled by some of the stuff that never gets in. But don’t be so sure that BackTalk comment wasn’t from an African-American woman.—Ed. Note
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